Ironwell Lane, nr Stroud Green, Essex, United Kingdom. Reported 24th August.

Map Ref: TQ861908

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Updated Thursday 24th   September  2014


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A crop picture near Ironwell Lane on August 24, 2014 shows the new Moon of August 25 changing into a full “supermoon” on September 9, while the crop artists cry for us, and a metaphorical “kraken” swims past London Southend Airport




According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, 24th August 2014 was a day with the Solar Seal "White MIRROR" - Reflection, Infinity, Meditation. 

24th August is also the 12th day of the Blue Hand Wavespell. The energy Blue Hand means Knowledge, Accomplishment, HEALING.


The big circle on the pictogram depicts a Mirror, which gives us the feeling of Infinity.

The figure, depicted on the pictogram, is a figure of a human, in the typical Lotus meditation pose for meditation. The outer circle of the figure is the body of the human and the inner circle is the heart chakra. The creators of the crop circle point out that this day is very suitable for a healing meditation, for example with focus on the heart chakra. 


Besides, the horned moon together with the two circles above it, expresses also the fact, that 24th August is the 2nd day of the Second Moon - the Second lunar month of the new Galactic year of the Red Solar Moon, which began on 26th July 2014.

Maya Todorova

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

Paul Egerton makes this observation regarding the design motifs of the crop circles on August 24th .. 2014 .. Essex .. U.K. and.. July 2nd .. 2011 .. Wiltshire U.K. .. Similar ??

In addressing this crop circle I drew on similar crop circles in 1994 and, 2011. Both of these crop circles are related to comets. 

Picture first

This year it is 10 years since managed to film the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter on July 18, 1994 This event was then displayed in a cornfield at Olivers Castle on July 26, 1994. 

Picture 2.

The crop circle of July 2, 2011 - Barbury Castle (2) were shown just two comets that almost simultaneously soared perihelion. Was it a comet Honda-Mrkos Pajdusakova-45 / P and comet Elenin C / 2010 X1. For these comets is very interesting track their synchronized. Comet Elenin was then speculated that he was under intelligent control. These speculations have appeared even a comet Ison, who flew perihelion 28th 11th 2013. Crop circles show the positions of the two comets on the day of discovery of crop circles.


In Figure 3.

Following the example of the previous two crop circles, I was looking at the photos and video in a circle near the main formation. In vain. From this I concluded that the Creator formation, used to supplement the crop circle landscape element. "Teardrop" near crop circle is strikingly reminiscent of the comet. October 19, 2014 is expected to close flyby of Comet C / 2013 A1 Siding Spring in the vicinity of Mars. It is conceivable that a comet will hit Mars. In this case, it will be a cosmic catastrophe of such magnitude as mankind has never experienced before.

Pávková Z.


Hello one and all! I found these crop circles side by side, with a comment below them by Paul Egerton which are included right below the circles, as I wish to build on what he said and relate the whole to the very latest crop circle that just appeared, the first to arrive in this month of September 2014 at Ark Lane near Stroud. It's possible we have some dot-connecting to do with the progressive transit of Planet X Nibiru into our solar system, its current position, and most important, its energy influence on earth
and surrounding planets. First, let's start with the two circles from Paul:

Paul Egerton makes this observation regarding the design motifs of the crop circles on August 24th .. 2014 .. Essex .. U.K. and.. July 2nd .. 2011 .. Wiltshire U.K. .. Similar ??

Paul includes mention of 2 comets also part of the July 2 circle, we can see one of them in the Pringle photo. Where there are comets close to us there is additional energy push & pull on our planet. Directing your attention now to the circle on the left of August 24, are you picking up an intensification of that energy pulling at the earth, indicated by the thickness of the outer ring? Something around us out there has indeed grown fatter!

That is what I am sensing. Energy amplification. Let's connect some dots.

So July 2011 moving to August 2014, some kind of energy field has been pushing at us, becoming bigger, stronger.

Here is August 24  2014 enlarged, at Ironwell Lane

I wish to borrow now from the newsletter Zetatalk Re the August 24 "Magnetic Field Pull Crop Circle"

So what does the 2014 design at Ironwell portray? There is an intense one-sided squeeze, the magnetic field of Planet X compressed where it encounters the Earth, the overall impression one of unrelenting intense magnetic pressure, which is expressed in so many of the Earth changes mankind is dealing with at present – planes disappearing from radar, GPS satellites malfunctioning or not accessible, and electrical appliances turning off erratically. There are few among the populace who will miss the meaning of this recent design, as the fact that the Sun and Moon are not in the skies in their expected position is subconsciously noted, even if a taboo subject in the media. 


We now fast-forward to the present, to the circle at Ark Lane nr Stroud--actually an entire glyph telling us two things, I believe. First, off-world energies affecting us are nearing climax; and second, what does this energy build-up means for us?

In the bigger circle at top, we could be viewing 7 cosmic stargates or energy portals fully firing (3 prongs), symbolizing we are at maximum saturation point of energy build-up around us just prior to energy collapse to zero, or zero- point. The white beam or swath designates energy pull exerted by Nibiru (Planet X) looking very much to be in a position behind the sun.

The lower grouping of circles (patterns) all in a row (let's do this from right to left) might be saying the same thing except from our perspective on earth. At extreme right we see a circle (planet) trailing 7 little ones--suggestion this would be Nibiru pulling its debris-field tail and the 3 circles (planetary bodies) between it and the sun could very well be part of that "other" solar system we were told exists opposite us on the other side of the sun. It has been seen, this "other" system.

Next we see a round circle with two smaller ones imposed, like an owl or someone wearing horn-rimmed glasses! What if that's us on earth and the two smaller circles are the 2 suns we were told we'd be seeing in the sky right about now. Those 2 suns have been in our heavens for some time and still are. The two suns in the sky belong to end-cycle prophecy, tells us which cosmic marker we're at in our evolutionary journey.

The next two "bodies" one looking solid, the other with energy rings and 3 little planets attached, well, I shall only take a guess based on the major point I'm making--that Nirbiru's energy influence all this time has continued to grow in energy power, shown in successive crop circle designs over past many months. The Ark Lane Circle brings us up to date showing possible energy adjustments to ourselves and planets around us that Nibiru will exert upon our entire solar system, altering its familiar appearance even if temporarily, to something seemingly quite unfamiliar. Call it an energy rebalancing caused by Nibiru yet to reach maximum pull power. That maximum is expected before the end of 2014...only a few more months' time. Then Nibiru heads back into outer space.

If the perception of our solar system moving out of place does happen due to Nibiru's influence, this row of planets we are seeing here could symbolize what may well be a temporary "energy moment" of seeming chaos-- Mercury and Venus out of place superimposed over Earth (the two horn-rimmed lens); Mars, Jupiter & moons looking either larger or smaller than they really are--in essence a message saying "expect the powers of heaven to be shaken up a little bit". Some things might not remain quite the same, "but it will all be according to divine plan".


Please see illustration below, the transit of Nibiru (Planet X) on its fly-by past Earth in our solar system, from Jan 3 2013 to Jan 2014, to Oct 19, 2014, gathering momentum and building energy. See where Earth is in October. Energy adjustments are in full realm of possibility. The crop circles having been describing this Nibiru transit to us for a long time, even before 2011. Between now and October, expect the next set of crop circles to continue to update us with messages on how this energy is behaving. And beyond!

Barbara Tomczyk

Artwork WJ


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Esta fase lunar es concretamente la de 3 dias despues de cuarto menguante y la de 3 dias antes de cuarto creciente. En Septiembre 2014 esa fase viene el 19 y el 28 de Septiembre.

Estas son algunas de las fechas que anuncia este agroglifo.Es sorprendente ver que casi todas las fases lunares que anuncian las fechas dadas por este agroglifo corresponden a la misma fase lunar que aparece en el dibujo del agroglifo, que es 3 dias para cuerto menguante o creciente,... o bien estan muy proximos a ella. De 25 fechas dadas 12 son exactamente la misma fase lunar indicada en el dibujo del agroglifo. Tambien es curioso que en una de las circunferencias concentricas de este dibujo aparecen 12 circulos (centrales...) exactos,... haciendo alusión a esas 12 Lunas. Mas coincidente es aún que esa circunferencia de 12 circulos no se haya usado para el pronostico de las fechas por no ser multiplo de 5,... y sin embargo tambien entra de lleno en el juego interpretativo por corresponder con las 12 Lunas citadas que concuerdan con el dibujo de la Luna del agroglifo, y en la misma fase que esta. Continuo con el estudio de este agroglifo en mi blog:

Fernando Ortolá





Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike