Ackling Dyke, Nr Sixpenny Handley, Dorset.
Reported 4th June.
Map Ref: SU0096416825
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Updated Thursday 2nd August 2018 |


A familiar, initiatory, alchemical pattern that speaks of
transformations. Alchemy of the seven metals, the Alchemy of the
Seven Angels in the Apocalypse of the Earth. We can see the
representation of Seven Angels here, with 14 compartments containing
spirals of 4 turns. Revelation 14: 4! And look at the little hill,
Mount Sion before the 144 000! Revelation 7, the Seal of the 144
000. The seven trumpets have already begun to sound. At first
glance, a symbol of the current global process, transformations
accelerating, given the prophetic date, May 14, 21 days ago (3x7 =
21)! The aerial map shows a symbol similar to a tie (authority) and
the CC appears at the intersection of two highways, A354 and B3081.
Cross, Stamp, Signal in hand and forehead. Rounding. The work of
the seven Angels, the Star of Bitterness upon the world. Vortices
with four laps, four days, the fourth day will be June 7. Another
Seven. Let's see the continuation of this message.

First of all, it is important to know that the
seven-pointed star, other than the eight-pointed star, is an
initiatory symbol of antiquity, because the number seven was
consecrated to God, to the spiritual, and is a number of totality:
Seven Days of Creation, Seven Angels, Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets
and Seven Bowls of the Apocalypse, Seven Churches and Seven Stars
in the Lord's Hand, etc. And in the physical world, seven colors,
seven musical notes, seven days of the week, seven metals of
alchemy, seven planets, etc.
Note the prophetic day of Israel, May 14. The
Star is enveloped by 14 compartments, and the separate image of
each circle and two waves seems to suggest an Angel: the Seven
Angels in action in the Alchemy of Planetary Transformation known
by the name of APOCALYPSE!
Other crop circles with the Setenary Star have
appeared before, and with important messages, I highlighted some
models in the Slide.
Interestingly, last year at Boreham Wood, July, a cube in process of
alchemy appeared within the Setenary Star, and today, this symbol
seems to me the end result of that process. The spirit rises.
Earth is reborn. Codes of Life and rebirth everywhere, insects
coming out of the larva, the Flower of Life, the very ARISE code
of the 5-pointed star in 2013 (Silbury Hill and the tomb of the
divine king) etc ..
The star Sirius has a strong symbolic
connection with this septenary symbol. Star of the gods, sign of
Light, of Isis, Toth and the Enlightened, the Star of "Bethlehem"
who guides the birth of the divine kings on Earth, etc.
The constellation of Orion, with its seven main
stars, is one of the constellations representing the ancient gods
reborn in the Initiation, and it is now elevated to the Middle of
the sky, along with the Sun, at its highest point: get up
The Ackling Dike Star picks up something of the
symbolism of that Pentagram-Sun-Moon of 2014, and it represents
the sum of two complete aspects (7 + 7), which means complete
The 14 pieces of the body of Osiris that
These seven circles on the edges seem to me a
reference to the motions of the Moon in the sky in certain
We see 14 sectors at the edges with a 4-turn
spiral, and it represents time scale: 4 days, 4 months, 4 years.
Four months, October 2018.
There is also an important date: July 13, 2018:
Solar Eclipse near the Star Sirius in the sky. And then there will
be another eclipse of Blood Moon on July 27!
Apocalyptic signs, and the Spirit of the Lord
And the Apocalypse of the Seven Angels is
already happening on the planet, to turn it into cosmic Alchemy!
VIEWING BETTER the Planetary Alchemy of the Apocalypse

Seven Angels around the Earth. Crop Circle
June 4th. The Rainbow in the lunar Halo of May 29 in England
(Full Moon day) reported in a crop circle on 2 June. The Earth
will accelerate its transformations. Date May 14, 2018,
prophetic reference. This Seven Star also seems to represent
that humanity has entered the famous Seven Years of Final

Looking again at the beautiful Crop Circle Ackling Dike, I
recall that I had already spoken about Uranus's seven years on
Earth from May 14, 2018, changing sign (from Aries to Taurus), a
great coincidence with the prophetic date of Israel and the 70
years of that nation
So I came back to the subject. We know that the URANUS planet
moves in each sign in the seven year period, and that, to
complete the total cycle of the twelve signs, it takes 84 years
(12 x 7). A strong indicator of this number appears in the crop
circle. If we look at the 14 compartments better, we will see
that each of them has a spiral (symbol of ancient cultures for
TIME) and this spiral has 6 total turns (considering the
separation sides).
And if we make the simple count 14 x 6, we will obtain the same
result of 12 x 7, that is, 84 (years), the period of Uranus.
This means that this crop circle associates the influence of the
planet Uranus in Taurus to the processes of the Apocalypse
(planetary Transformations) associated with the Seven Angels,
the protagonists of the Transformation, in the period that goes
from 2018 until 2025/6. That is, this crop circle made a
combination between the two lines of interpretation,
Astrological and Apocalyptic, in a final conception that really
points to the accelerated processes that are already happening
on the planet on a global scale, and we have all witnessed!

Reviewing the beautiful crop circle of Ackling Dike, on the 4th
of June last, we discovered another fantastic Venusian
signature. And it begins with the detection of the ornament in
the ring of the crop circle, Aztec style, and exactly like the
model of some statues of the Aztec god XOCHIPILLI, whose name
In addition to this spiral ornament (containing 3.5 laps on each
side, joining the seventh upper bar - we have other flowers
stylized in the body of the god, in the form of rosettes
(flowers of five petals), all representing the planet Venus,
which not only for the Aztecs and Mayans, but for the Old World
sages, was the symbol of the synodic cycle of Venus in the
heavens, every 5 full years on Earth (8 for Venus) when then a
rose-pentagram was drawn, with Venus returning to its position.
And at the base of the statue, along with the spiral ornament,
is this rosette of five petals, representing then this
interesting phenomenon of the planet Venus in relation to Earth,
a fundamental base of the Mesoamerican calendar count.
In this crop circle of Ackling Dike, I had seen a format
relationship with SEVEN ANGELS, and this comes up again, because
the Aztec god XOCHIPILLI, god of music, art, love and beauty, is
a perfect replica of ANAEL, Angel of Kabbalah, or CUPID, and
Anael-Cupid is precisely the ANGEL associated with the planet
Another detail: we have a seven-pointed star, and on the Tree of
Life (or Sephiroth) Venus is in the seventh Sephira, called
Netsah, the Victory! Many crop circles have inlaid Venusian
signatures, demonstrating the origin of the messages!
Tomorrow, 17, Lamat-Venus, Sunday, Lord's Day, a great day for a
beautiful Venusian pentagram in the fields ...

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

Tixeire Luc |
Hi again, could not stop wondering about the
recent crop circles and spent the night trying to find some
connections. I noticed that the the first and second are apart
approximately 24 miles. The third and fourth are also apart
approximately 24 miles. Then, the fourth and first are apart
approximately 24 miles as well ! Only the fifth is 14 miles from the
first, making a possibility that the next one could be just 14 miles
apart from any of them. As an example , I suppose that if it is
around a triangle between the first and the fifth, then the sixth
could well be around the Old Sarum! Other interesting aspects is
that the first 3 were connected geographically with electricity
poles and towers and the next 2 just by ancient sites. The diameter
of the outer ring on Bishop's Cannings Down is similar to the
diameter of the circle which appears close to the top of the hill,
an unknown ancient site? Finally the magic of the heptagram! Thanks.

Newton Rampasso.


Here are the seven comets destined to strike Earth during the transition
phase from our present age to the new age. Each comet is associated with
two spirals, probably representing the major and minor fragments
accompanying the comet. The spirals are rectangular (also shown in prior
crop circles) for ease in creating the crop circle. Spiralling is
discussed in Section 7, page 60, of my free e-book. The seven-pointed
star represents the debris trails of the comets as the trails become
larger when the comets plough through the atmosphere before final
impact. It also suggests the violent nature of the impacts. The impact
area can be seen in the centre in the Crop Circle Connector photos. The
Warning Comet doesnt impact, but its large major fragment impacts in
the Atlantic Ocean.
Kenneth Heck |
Click above to join the Crop Circle Connector

Frank Thom |
Hello again dear readers and
I have read all of your comments. Many personal views were reported.
Here I want to invite you to take a little more deeper view into it.
In my last reports I wrote about a possible 'dialogue' between
'Extraterrestrials' and 'Earth humans' - to exchange the former
'monologue' into an active 'dialogue'. Therefore I've sent out the
message 'to need more evidence'. The answer, if we can call it an
answer, after some strange circles, was a new crop circle, which by
the way is same confusing likewise as the first one.
Then - so suddenly - there
appeared this 'seven spark star' - as to see. And everyone is
confused what it is shown here - Seven worlds, seven sisters
(Pleiades) and what else - connected with the number seven. Was it
been sent as a 'reply' to my former question, then it is clear
what's to see. As usual, 'they' act in the knowledge of 'non
intervention' - showing a symbolic message instead of a clear
message, because following these rules.
So in 'their' view they have sent a very unexpected image - a star
with seven spikes, surrounded by signs as 'holy barrier' which on
the outer diameter shows seven little circles. But there is much
more meaning into the outer little circles. What is it? Look at the
whole image, then look the seven outer 'filled' circles: What do you
see? It may appear to you as a bit 'strange' because the missing
'sense' of it, but it would be clearly if you would be able to see
it with your 'Emotional intelligence' - which I reminded you so
often. However, there is no sense to discuss your 'views'
unimportant how strange they may appear. So let's focus onto what we

We have a ring with special
symbols which are drawn around the star in the centre. But we have
too seven little circles outside that 'border' of signs. Try now to
see it as ONE. It is clear that the inner seven spike star
represents 'something'. Because it is connected with the seven
outside 'circles' - by pointing to them. The meaning you ask? Maybe
I'm wrong but it is undoubtedly a picture of something 'higher' - or
The literally translation is this:
"You see a circle with its holy borders. That's the realm of the
'higher council - depicted on the outside of the circle by seven
filled circles, each one is depicted by an 'uprising flame' in the
middle to show you the real wise and lovely being which is into it.
Those beings are not lawyers nor dictators and have nothing to do
with something like 'religions'. They act as wise mentors to tell
the star people what would be best in any sense to do next. The star
people do follow their advices in all ways because they have
realised that the advice is always wise and the best......."
And therefore this crop circle was sent to Earth humans for to get
an 'inside view' how the whole cosmos really works. Sure - it will
be very strange and unimaginable for the living humans, but it
doesn't matter at all. It is a sent message to YOU to understand the
'higher mechanics' so to say.
You have no idea, do not understand, even deny this so 'strange'
message? Okay, it is YOUR choice due to your Free Will, but
obviously you have neither understood the heavenly gift of Free Will
nor the responsibility connected with it. In other 'realms' - worlds
- there IS a council working, not telling orders how to behave, but
telling recommendations for the best outcome, usually NOT grounded
in materially greed as it is existent here on Earth.
Have you now understood the message, even when you were unable to
'accept' it? See it as a mirror, which reflects your so poor efforts
to get more and more money because your so big and in same time
likewise tiny ego, which makes you totally indifferent to facts of
dying Earth, the Mother - with all its indescribable BEAUTY. - YOUR
choice........the most bad you could chose ever.....YOUR choice -
and nobodies else.
The crop circle shows beings of high
consciousness, here depicted as 'Seven Wisest' who have their hands
into the many WORLDS. Honoured by the countless 'Star people' living
beings as you and me, they have realised the wise ness of those
beings and following their advices.
And that is it what is shown in this very remarkable crop circle.
However, I wish you a good time, take

Gerd E. |
On 4th June, 2018 a 7-pointed
star crop circle was reported at Ackling Dyke, Nr Sixpenny Handley,
Dorset. Then, on 13 July, an accident happened in a 4-star hotel
Latina, south of Rome, Italy, when a 13-year old girl was sucked in a
20 cm. wide suction pipe drain on the floor (red circle) of the
hotels swimming pool. She died in the presence of her mother who
could not do anything at all to save her. The same star was depicted
near the place where she was sucked in. Now is that a mere
coincidence given that the 7-pointed star can have many esoteric
meanings and is used as a decorative sign in many places elsewhere,
or could it be argued that such an emotional event was felt or
sensitized by premonitory beings who went public some six weeks

Victor Cauchi Malta
Time for Attunement to the Source
Crop circle at
Ackling Dyke,
Sixpenny Handley, Dorset,
Reported 4th June
According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, 4 June 2018 is a day with
the Solar Seal Red Earth with Tone 13, in the Blue Castle with major
energy Yellow Star, in the Yellow Crystal Seed Year (26 July 2017
25 July 2018).
In my opinion, on the formation are depicted following energies:
Yellow Seed
Yellow Star
Red Earth
White Wind the Supporting energy of the Red Earth
Blue Hand - the Challenging energy of the Red Earth
These energies have following qualities:
Yellow Seed Targeting, Awareness, Flowering
Yellow Star Creativity, Elegance, Art, Beauty, Harmony
Red Earth Evolution, Navigation, Synchronization
White Wind Spirit, Breathe, Connection, Communication
Blue Hand Knowledge, Accomplishment, Healing
The Star in the center symbolizes the energy Yellow STAR.
The big outer circle represents the Earth and symbolizes the energy
In the current Yellow Crystal Seed Year, the Red Earth is the Occult
Teacher and rules the period of the last three months of the year:
from 5 April until 25 July 2018.
The 7 small circles on the surface of the Earth depict Seeds and
symbolize the energy YELLOW SEED.
The 7 Seeds symbolize the humanity. We the people are Seeds of
Consciousness, planted on the Earth.
The spirals in the boxes on the surface of the Earth depict spirals
of Evolution and symbolize again the energy Red Earth the Energy of
Each spiral consists of 4 elements (in darker color on the image),
which depict the 4 steps of each evolutionary cycle: Beginning
Refining Transformation Ripening.
There are 14 boxes with spirals in total: 7 groups of 2 boxes.
Here the number 7 symbolizes the energy BLUE HAND Solar Seal No. 7.
The number 2 symbolizes the energy WHITE WIND Solar Seal No. 2.
Besides, exactly 7 days later, 11 June 2018 is a day with the Solar
Seal Yellow Seed with Tone 7, in the 7th column of Tzolkin
(the Central Mystic Column).
The circle in the center of the Star symbolizes the Source.
In this circle we can see the depiction of a spiral like on the
Mayan depiction of the Source (Hunab Ku).
The crop circle is a harbinger of the coming energetically most
powerful days in the Tzolkin calendar: the 20 days of the Central
Mystic Column. This is the 7th column in Tzolkin and
corresponds with Tone 7 the Resonant Tone of Attunement.
In these days we have direct and very strong connection with the
On the formation this is shown as each of the 7 rays of the star
points directly to a Seed. As if the energy of the Source pours to
each Seed (to each human on the Earth) through the rays of the Yellow
This is a great opportunity for each human to achieve progress in his
own spiritual evolution!
The authors of the formation have intentionally disposed it near the
corner of the field, where a natural depiction of an Eye has been
formed. It reminds us of the All Seeing Eye, i.e. of God. This is
another way to attract our attention to the coming period, when we
have extraordinary strong connection to the Source.
The 20 days of the Central Mystic column are time for resonant
Attunement to the Source. It is advisable to take more time for
meditation, to connect with the Source for Attunement to receive
codes, help for spiritual development etc.
We can use following affirmations:
I attune myself to the Source.
I attune myself to All That Is.
I synchronize myself with the Source.
The Central Mystic column began on 8 June and continues until 27 June
I express my deep gratitude to the authors of this magnificent
formation and to the photographers of
Maya Todorova |

Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike |