Crop Circle designs can often be as brilliantly, and holographically, multi-faceted, as these two seem to be: Structurally identical and diagrammed from different perspectives. While the Helix's DNA implications are clearly an element, we've had additional impressions and connections jump out at us that we want to put out for consideration, and add a bit more to the puzzle. (It may take a lot of blind men to piece this elephant together.)
Double Helix 17th June 1996 and the Julia Set 8th July 1996
Apart from DNA, this formation (see Dia.1) bears a stunning resemblance to the commonly used astronomical chart that diagrams the monthly orbital path of the moon, or moons around the planet. (See Dia.2)
(Dia:4) A schematic 4-dimensional view of the inner planets and Sun, as they move through our galaxy.
Is the arc with the extra circle on the left side of the Helix diagram indicating an eccentricity of orbits (as our moon has)? And, as my husband, Ed Sherwood, wondered, is the asymmetry performing a similar function to the kink in the 1991 Barbury Castle formation that perfected its geometry.
If you imagine the Helix 3-dimensionally, looking through it lengthwise end to end as you would a telescope, the ten same-sized circles would eclipse each other and be seen as one; while each complete cycle of descending and ascending circles would be seen as a spiral and look much like a Julia Set. (See Dia.3)
(Dia 3: One complete cycle from the Double Helix, and complete cycle of the Julia Set.
I had a feeling there was a way to look at the two formations that could account for the multiple image in the Julia Set, of spiralling circles attended by the smaller side sets. I was utterly astonished (once more) when I discovered how brilliantly the Helix can account for this feature. (See Dia.5)
Looking at the Helix and Julia Set as a
2-dimensional and 3-dimensional orbit graph Ed suspects that the dynamics of our solar
system are being described.
In my view, the 4 single terminating circles also mean `repeat`, (i.e., 2 and 2, just as everything is repeated in the helix) and represents a tail in the overall design. Note, that frequently accompanying repeat marks is a `coda` (Italian for `Tail`). In music it is a term for a passage which brings a movement or a separate piece to a conclusion. (see dia.7)
Both Ed and I are interested to learn if the two formations contain `Harmonic Numbers` and musical references that result from analysing the many circles radii, diameters, and areas.
One more unrelated but fascinating design synchronicity I noticed is that which possibly connects the Julia Set and Double Helix to the East Field `snail formation of 1992.
Looking at the silhouette drawing of the Julia Set from a distance the pattern of a Nautilus shell pops out, with the overall shape created by the Archimedian looking spiral of a typical snail shell. Is the placing of the Double Helix and the basic shape of the Julia set revealing one more connection, i.e., to ley lines; the `Dodman` an ancient Celtic term) symbolised by the snail?
Copyright Kris (Weber) Sherwood July 1996
Ed & Kris Sherwood are Crop Circle researchers with more then 15 years combined experience studying this profound and evolving phenomenon. If you would like more information, contact:
Ed & Kris Sherwood
Millenium Research
PO Box 2084
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2084
Diagrams & layout by Ed Sherwood. Original Silhouette Drawings by Peter Sorensen.
(Dia.4) From the report: The base Drum of the Solar System by Goran Windelius & Peter Tucker.