The most important crop circle of all time—or an excellent fake:

Jerry Kroth

This crop circle appeared on August 21, 2005 in Wiltshire, U.K. It pictures a scarab beetle carrying a ball and represents the ancient Egyptian scarab amulet or symbol.


We will look at the symbol in depth, but first, it is necessary to discuss whether this crop circle is the result of human monkey business.

Deception or not?

My research experience into crop circles suggests they can be classified into two categories: ‘human-made’ or ‘possibly of extraterrestrial origin.’ The former are often sophomoric, poorly done, sometimes commercial, sometimes, actually, well executed, but rarely are they of any serious interest.


Here are two examples, one of a human face (left), the other of a radiation-warning symbol, which appeared near an alleged English chemical weapons facility. 1 In both cases, correctly or not, these circles were deemed human in construction.


The second category of circles ‘possibly of extraterrestrial origin,” almost never uses human symbols. They are generally extremely abstract and mercurial like the figure on your right.


Spiral goddess crop circle. Note the small specs are people walking about

The only exception to this rule from my research was the crop circle of a human female called “the spiral goddess.” That was a symbol dating back to early Egypt. This is the only example I ever encountered which I believed was extraterrestrial in origin and which used a human symbol at the same time. 2

Beyond that, it is a safe bet that any crop circle using a human symbol is likely very human in origin. And that was exactly my initial feeling about this scarab circle.

Contacting circlemakers

I interviewed a few circle makers about the scarab, but none were able to identify any people involved. In fact, one researcher said ‘“I have no direct knowledge of any known team having claimed this.” So if I couldn’t prove circlemakers did it. The next question was “what if it was not made by humans?

What kind of interpretation would result??

After all, the circle is extremely well done, not sloppy, as is often the case. There are no noticeable footprints. No evidence of human involvement, tire tracks, broken fences. Admittedly, there are no field reports pointing one way or the other, but the circle appears on undulating fields of wheat and getting the proportionality right under those conditions is daunting. You can view more photos of the fluctuating landscape in the

The question then became “if it wasn’t constructed by human beings, what could it possibly be saying, and why would an alien intelligence resort to the unusual practice of using human symbols from Egypt?” What would be the intent? I decided to stick my neck out and treat it as an extraterrestrial message. So here goes:

The scarab beetle and Egyptian symbolism


The scarab beetle known as Scarabaeus sacer rolls dung into balls. It then rolls the ball into a suitable location and digs an underground chamber where it hides the ball. 3


“It then eats the ball itself, a process that may take several days. When the female is ready to breed she selects especially fine-textured dung to make her breeding ball. . . .she lays single eggs, then seals the cavity and departs to repeat the process elsewhere. The larva feeds on the ball of dung after the egg hatches.” 4

“The Egyptians. . . observed young beetles emerging from the ball of dung, from which they mistakenly inferred that the male beetle was able to reproduce without needing a female, simply by injecting his sperm into the ball of dung. From this they drew parallels with their got Atum who also begat children alone. . . “5


The god Khepri whose face is in the form of the scarab beetle

Later, this symbol became associated with the god Khepri.

“To the ancient Egyptians, S. Sacer was a symbol of Khepri. . . from an analogy between the beetle’s behavior of rolling a ball of dung across the ground and Khepri’s task of rolling the sun across the sky. They accordingly held the species to be sacred.”6

The sacred scarab in Egyptian mythology


The scarab dates back to the time of the Great Pyramid and was often found as amulets or as part of funerary ornamentation. 7


A short video describing the history and symbolism of the scarab beetle in Egypt can be found here

“In ancient Egypt, the scarab beetles were widely worshiped and they weren’t allowed to be killed because people feared it would offend Khepri. It was customary for both royals and commoners to be buried with scarab ornaments and emblems representing justice and balance, the protection of the soul, and its guidance to the afterlife. “8

The myth of Osiris

While Khepri is the predominant god associated with the scarab, because of the rebirth-renewal theme, that same theme also leads to Osiris. In Markus Carabas The Osiris Myth: the history and legacy of Ancient Egypt’s Most Important Mythological Legend, he writes of Osiris and his relationship to the scarab. 9

Most of the Osiris myth comes from The Old Kingdom, 2660-2190 BC. The Pyramid Texts and Egyptian Book of the Dead are the main sources of this information. Here is a short version of the story:

Osiris is a kind godhead who rules with the intent of uplifting humans from their savagery. He marries his sister, Isis, and they govern Egypt until his brother, Seth, a violent and avaricious person—often painted with the head of a hyena—stages a peculiar party. He secretly took measurements of Osiris frame and constructed a wooden box to fit it. At the party, all the guests are asked to see if the box fits them, but when Osiris gets inside, it fits, and suddenly the top is nailed shut and Osiris is thrown into the river.


Seth, violent and treacherous, is often depicted with the head of a hyena

Isis, hearing that Osiris has been killed, searches over all of Egypt for his body. Seth, learning that Isis is looking for the body, finds the box first. He dismembers Osiris cutting him into 14 pieces, and scatters the body parts across Egypt, throwing 7 into Upper Egypt and 7 to Lower Egypt. 10 But undaunted and determined, Isis recovers 13 of the 14 remains. She cannot find his penis, the 14th part, but performs a magical ritual to obtain Osiris’ “seed’. . . The son of Osiris is thus conceived and named Horus, ‘the flesh and bone of Osiris.” Horus rules over Egypt for 300 years.

Later, Seth attempts a homosexual encounter with Horus, injures one of his testicles, and removes his eye. But the eye of Horus is also magically restored.

In some versions, Horus restores his own sight. The Eye of Horus is an important symbol called the Wedjat, which came to represent the ‘restoration to wholeness’.’ The Eye of Horus was a protective symbol worn on amulets.


From left to right, three statues of Osiris, Horus, and then Isis whose crown is in the shape of the scarab. To the right a scarab symbol depicting the Eye of Horus. Above is the Eye of Horus, sometimes called the Eye of Ra.

Scholars have drawn many similarities between Christ and Osiris too. Both died as a result of a betrayal by a loved one, both were called ‘good shepherds’, both suffered painful deaths, both were resurrected, and both provided ‘hope that others may do likewise and become eternal sharing in an afterlife. 11

Once the dead “has been judged to be worthy of becoming a member of the ‘blessed” [he or she] is declared a follower of Osiris and allowed to live out his or her afterlife in a variety of spectacular ways.” Osiris is clearly associated with an “afterlife,” and called the “undying God.”

“One of the reasons for the popularity of the Osiris myth is primarily a religious meaning, implying that “any dead person can reach a pleasant afterlife.” 12

This will all start making sense shortly, but a little more background is still necessary:

Kheper and Osiris

Kheper and Osiris have been linked in a few ways.

“Khepri is the sun god of the ancient Egyptian religion. This represents the sunrise and consequently the creation and renewal of life. The ancient Egyptians believed that Khepri pushed the sun through the sky, and so they associated it with the image of the dung beetle, whose behavior of carrying balls of manure is compared to the forces that move the Sun. Khepri was often linked to Osiris, the god of the dead, because he embodied the idea of rebirth. . . The association made him very important in the Book of the Egyptian Dead, a text used to guide souls to life after death.” 13

In the Egyptian wall painting below both Kheper and Osiris adorn a burial chamber.14


Kheper (left) and Osiris right) in the burial chamber of Ramses: “We see the seated gods Osiris and Khepris. Osiris was the god of the dead. Legend has it he was the first king in Egypt to be mummified. This mummification was performed by his grieving wife, Isis. Osiris embodies the idea of rebirth in the afterlife. He is shown as a mummy wrapped in white cloth.”

The scarab and the ankh

The scarab also sometimes includes another symbol of rebirth, and eternal life, the ankh. The ankh represents the “power to sustain life and to revive human souls in the afterlife.” 15


Left Isis wearing the scarab crown gives Osiris an ankh. To the right is a scarab featuring the ankh


In the carving above Isis is also wearing a scarab hat and holds her arms out to protect Osiris

Beginning to interpret the crop circle


Our first observation in discerning the crop circle is that this is a scarab rolling its ball of dung, and clearly a symbol of the God Kheper pushing the sun morning through night. As Kheper is a symbol of eternal life, we are looking at a crop circle sending a message about rebirth and eternal life. 16

But that is only step one!

When we see the 7 circles on the right and the 7 on the left, we are reminded of the 14 mutilated pieces of Osiris that were scattered to Upper and Lower Egypt that Isis later desperately retrieved.

And that is an entirely different message altogether!

The numbers 7 and 14


I am no Egyptian scholar, but I noticed that there are hundreds of scarabs and most do not display 14 elements or 14 winglets; indeed most seem to have an indeterminate number. Here are a few examples. First, an actual carving in Egypt has two layers of feathers, far more than 14. The scarab below shows the Eye of Horus and has many layers of feathers, again, far more than 14.


The scarabs above with more than 14 winglets or feathers.

This is a very important observation because it leads us directly into an interpretation of this crop circle

Osiris and Kheper are symbols of rebirth and both often appear together. But the repeating number 7 and 7 is suggestive of the tribulations and the violence that Osiris endured at the hands of his brother, Seth.

Back to whodunit.

Now if we want to be on the safe side and assert this crop circle was made by people, then we have to assume they had some kind of diagram of a scarab that excluded the eye of Horus and had 14 winglets or circles. They made a good copy, a nice design, ruined some wheat, and scurried off without paying the farmer a dime.

Despite my queries, I couldn’t say with any confidence I knew who did it, and there were no real signs of human involvement, but who cares! If is to be reduced to a design made by people, and done with some skill under the cover of darkness, then congratulations, good job, creative crime indeed, and goodnight! End of story.

But you didn’t get this far thinking those thoughts. Like me, you said “well, what if it was an extraterrestrial message? What would it be saying?” Here is where it gets consummately interesting.

First, it seems to be saying something very positive. It is showing us the symbol of Kheper the god of rebirth and eternal life, and referencing Osiris, another god of renewal, resurrection, and eternal life.

Happy meanings indeed!

But it is going out of its way to show off winglets of 7 and 7, and these are references to Osiris mutilated body cut into 14 pieces half scattered here and another half there.

Not very happy at all.

Coincidently the number 7 in Egypt is synonymous with Seth and with evil, along with the tribulations that he brings. 17

Now, admittedly, this may give rise to speculations about the number seven: 7 days of creation, the 7 seals of Revelation, the 7 trumpets, the 7 bowls, the 7 thunders, the 7 sacraments; in fact, the number 7 appears 562 times in the Bible. Or even the 7 chakras of Hinduism. 18 Or 7 as a prime number.

But if we don’t wander off into biblical ruminations and stick with Egyptian mythology, we are driven to conclude that these repeating sevens refer to the dismemberment of Osiris. They refer to a crime, mutilation, and that implies tragedy, trauma, suffering, and tribulation. So a horribly negative message is mysteriously encrypted inside an otherwise reassuring, happy symbol.

Death and rebirth all rolled up into one gigantic ball of dung! Obviously, we are not done with this interpretation!

The Fourth Turning

William Strauss and Neil Howe authored The Fourth Turning and make an intriguing analysis of history dissecting it into four recurring cycles, each lasting about 20 years. They call these “turnings.” Some are optimistic and filled with positivity and growth, but some deal with upheaval and turbulence.

The Fourth Turning is a crisis period, which they argue we have again entered:19

“This is an era of destruction, often involving war or revolution, in which institutional life is destroyed and rebuilt in response to a perceived threat to the nation's survival.” 20

The previous Fourth Turning in the US began with the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and climaxed with the end of World War II. 21

“Many Americans instinctively sense that many elements of today’s unraveling America—from Wall Street to Congress, from rock lyrics to pro sports—must undergo a wrenching upheaval before they can fundamentally improve. That instinct is correct. A Fourth Turning lends people of all ages what is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to heal (or destroy) the very heart of the republic.” 22

In their view, the Fourth Turning began in 2008 with the financial crisis, so this dark period should last well through 2028.

That is all quite interesting, but this crop circle appeared in England, not the U.S., and so it’s meaning must be more universal than a statement of the upheavals facing the U.S. over the next 20 years. Furthermore, it is 3 years earlier than the putative beginning of the Fourth Turning in 2008.

So we have to drill down deeper to unwrinkle these inconsistencies.

Why 2005?

Why would an extraterrestrial intelligence plop down an ancient human symbol that reminds us of eternal life as well as dismemberment and tribulation and deliver it all in 2005?

I looked for astronomical events around August, 2005, and heard hardly a peep from the heavens. 23

But Strauss and Howe’s Fourth Turning, makes a bit more sense. The Fourth Turning begins in 2008, three years after the crop circle. This is, the beginning of an age, and it is an age of severe upheaval, crisis, and adversity. It starts with a bang, the financial crisis of 2008 where 200 million people worldwide lost their employment.24 Eleven years later, a global pandemic, Covid-19, struck killing close to 5 million people and infecting a quarter of a billion 25

Not a pleasant period, so far, just as Howe and Strauss predict.

Is the crop circle making the same prediction and somehow referencing the Fourth Turning? These “turnings” are said to last 20 years, so, obviously, we are not out of the woods until 2028.

And we might even gather together a sundry doctor dooms who predict a major economic upheaval in the 2020s. These are not run-of-the-mill Youtube Cassandras, but academic mavens who boast impressive credentials. Here are four of them who predict global economic upheavals and/or a Great Depression sometime in the 2020s.


Economists predicting a great financial collapse in the 2020s (Nouriel Rubini, NYU, left, Richard Wolfe, Yale, Fred Folvary, San Jose State University, Graham Turner, Univ. of Melbourne (far right)


Roubini predicts Great Depression in the mid 2020s. View here:

So, in this sense, the crop circle is prophetic, informing us of two dialectically opposite ideas: The first is salutary by presenting a symbol of eternal life and resurrection. But the 14 scattered pieces of Osiris suggest trauma, agony, and suffering— and maybe an “age” of suffering.

So the crop circle is weird: it is a double-edged sword that is cutting two ways.

Beyond the Fourth Turning

I suppose we should mention global warming here, and the fact that the world is not meeting its obligations under the 2016 Paris accords. We will cross the threshold to 1.5 degrees of warming in just 3 years from this writing. If that is also part of the Fourth Turning, add that into the pot that is brewing.

Research corroborates that if the human race does not stop burning fossil fuels by 2030 and bring emissions to zero, there is a strong likelihood that the threshold of 450 ppm of C02 will be crossed that leads inevitably to 2 degrees of warming. 26 When that is breached, irreversibility begins, particularly arctic sea melt, and the consequent melting of the permafrost will release such vast amounts of C02 and methane it boggles the mind.

The Climate Vulnerable Forum estimates 100 million people will die of climate change by 2030—that’s two World War IIs in the next 8 years. 27 And the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration, a think-tank in Melbourne, Australia says that human civilization could begin to face extinction by 2050. 28

Professor Guy McPherson from Arizona echoes those dour sentiments saying not just animals, but we too are on the cusp of mass extinction:

“Humans are vertebrate mammals. To believe that our species can avoid extinction, even as non-human vertebrates and non-human mammals disappear, is classic human hubris wrapped in a warm blanket of myth-based human supremacy.”29

There are many prognostications about future warming outcomes, and they range from mild convulsions to mass extinction, so we are at a loss to know what to think. Meteorologists have difficulty predicting the weather a week from now. So, how certain can we be that science can give us a rationally based estimate of the dangers that 2 or 3 degrees of warming will induce across planet Earth and human civilization?

There are ‘known knowns,’ as they say, but there are also ‘known unknowns’ to consider: Melting permafrost may release ancient viruses for which humanity has no immunity at all. 30 And we have no idea what these are, except that research has shown they exist and can be released with further warming. 31 But we can’t name them, because we haven’t met them yet. That’s the best definition of a ‘known unknown’ I can think of.

And increased volcanic eruptions induced by climate change could add more sulfur dioxide and C02 into the atmosphere amplifying human effects beyond any current estimates. 32 Three such volcanoes are erupting as this is written, in the Canary Islands, Japan, and Hawaii.

Can we then put these unknowns into some equation and predict with certainty the full impact on humanity? What we do know is that climate change is real, and that at a certain level, planetary changes become irreversible. When that happens, there is nothing humanity can do but watch them unfold and try to adapt to the convulsions that follow.

The crop circle isn’t giving us a date when these tribulations end. Strauss and Howe are. That’s nice. But there is nothing in this crop circle telling us when all the dismemberment is completed, until, I guess, until we reach the number 14.

Are there 14 separate tragedies we must endure, and, so far, we only endured two: the Great Recession and Covid-19? Twelve more to go? Seriously?

And they seem to get worse?


If you look carefully at the crop circle, the 14 little winglets seem to get larger if you go from right to left.

Does that mean each mutilation gets progressively worse?

Could this crop circle be saying all that?

You might be getting a bit tense now, so maybe we should retreat and hope that the provenance of this crop circle was made human tomfoolery after all. Let us pretend that vandal-artists had some kind of fascination with the scarab, Seth, Osiris, and Kheper, and all that it was, and is, is nothing more than a nice design 2005.

No worries. Just a pretty picture in wheat. This way we don’t have to obsess about any coming age of dismemberment which keeps worsening.

But if it is an extraterrestrial message, it certainly seems to represent a stygian warning of coming suffering. And that is not a simple missive to Americans, or to the British. It is an advisory to humanity that a wave of agony is on its way.

At the same time, it is soothing in underscoring everlasting life, eternal life, rebirth and resurrection from all these terrors.

Let’s not forget Seth

Recall, it was Seth’s jaundiced lust for power and greed that destroyed Osiris. And it was certainly greed that precipitated the financial crisis of 2008 with promiscuous levels of leverage and speculation. And the failure to do much to stop the burning of fossil fuels and stop the advance of global warming may also be laid at the doorstep of unbridled greed and capitalism.

While experts in climate science say we must be at net zero in emissions by 2030, the oil industry, thirsting for more profits, predicts an increase in oil production of 30 percent by 2030.33 You heard that right! Instead of driving fossil fuel emissions to zero by 2030, the industry plans on increasing production by 30 percent.

Maybe Exxon should be renamed, “Seth Oil and Gas, LLP.”

As for a billion and a half cows emitting methane into the atmosphere on a daily basis, rather than shooting for zero emissions by 2030, the cattle industry is proud to announce it expects a 19 percent increase in beef production.34

Yes indeed, Seth is alive and well and furiously trading futures on the world exchanges!



In sum, in my text, Messages from the Gods, I attempted to translate each crop circle into English. So, with this discussion now behind us, here is both a summary and the translation of the message of this crop circle from our extraterrestrial counselors in 2005:


“This is an ancient symbol from your civilization. It is sent to remind you that you have a soul which does not die but lives eternally. At the same time, your species stands at the threshold of unprecedented agony and tribulation caused by its lust for power and wealth. If you become aware of these realities, your behavior can change. If it does, you will be able to mitigate future adversity. If not, take comfort in the knowledge that the suffering your species will endure on this planet is not the end of your eternal life.”


Jerry Kroth, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor Emeritus from Santa Clara University in California and may be contacted through his website His book Messages from the Gods: a scientific exposition on the extraterrestrial origin of crop circles, may be purchased from Amazon here




2 That analysis and rationale was delineated in chapter 32 of my text, Messages from the Gods: a scientific exposition on the extraterrestrial origin of crop circles.







9 The Osiris Myth, Charles River Editions, 2018

10 See also






16 Curiously, professor John Mack, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Harvard professor became interested in alien abductions and wrote two books on the subject. An expert in hypnosis, he studied human encounters with aliens. While I find hypnotic recall not the best or most reliable evidentiary source, Mack reports a number of individuals who encountered aliens and said they spoke of to them of eternal life and that a part of human beings“lives forever.”




20 Ibid.