(Free To Members)

Updated  Tuesday 1st May 2001


Annual Membership Rates:

(Including four copies of The Circular, postage paid)

UK Individual Membership - £15.00 per annum
UK Family Membership (2) - £20.00 per annum
European Individual Membership - £18.00 per annum
European Family Membership (2) - £23.00 per annum
Rest of the World, Individual Membership - £22.50 per annum
Rest of the World Family Membership (2) - £27.50 per annum
(N.B. Exchange Rate; UK£1 = US$2 – Sterling Cheques preferred)

Membership Enquiries & Remittances (Payable to "CCCS") To:

Dr Andrew King (Hon. Membership Secretary)

Kenberly, Victoria Gardens, Biggin Hill, Kent, TN16 3DJ


Editorial & Production

Terry Wilson (Sussex), Patricia Cox (W. Midlands) Joyce Galley (Kent)

Brian James (Oxon), Ashley Potterton (Wiltshire), Damian Brothers (London)

The Circular Issue 41  Spring 2001


4 Editorial
5 Fields of the Future Stuart Dike completes his survey of last season.
11 The French Connection Terry Wilson Discusses crop circles in France.
14 The Way Forward CCCS Chair, Carol Cochrane on the way Forward Group.
15 Drawn to the Centre William Betts' Personal Odyssey.
19 The Matthew Williams Case Points of view from Nick Kollerstrom and George Bishop.
21 Outside of Wessex - Special Extended Edition With Photographs by Phil Brookman.
26 De-Chlorophyllation at Cherhill. Rodney Ashby reports on some Strange Effects.
28 Beaming one down: The Star Trek formation. Carol Cochrane discusses some "Land Art"
30 Crop Circles and the Earth's Magnetism Magnetic theory from Peter D Whittaker.
32 Reviews
33 Reader's Letters
36 Ray's Column: Take a Sabbatical Ray Cox's regular Feature.
38 Caption Competition
40 A Harvest of Minds Joan Laurino's gives some personal insights and ideas.

Sample Copies:

£4.20 (UK incl. P&P)
£4.75 (Europe incl. P&P;
£5.70 (incl. Airmail to North America)
£6.00 (Airmailed to Australia)

Back Issues at cover price plus postage

Phone (44)  01803 401720 for details.

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