A new picture drawn in grass near Niederscherli, Switzerland on October 19, 2018 shows a clever metaphorical rendering of “the Devil goes fishing”, where his “bait” or “worm” seems now to be our current addiction to electronic communications such as mobile phones (or Facebook), along with our apparent credulity to believe anything which is said there 

“The devil led him up to a high place, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. Then he said, “I will give you all of their authority and splendour. It has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I wish.  If you worship me, it will all be yours.” ---Luke, Chapter 4:5  

A new field picture which was drawn neatly in grass on October 19, 2018 near Niederscherli, Switzerland seems to show the clever artistic rendering of a well-known metaphor called “when the Devil goes fishing” (see www.youtube.com). Here we will study that new “grass picture” systematically in several logical steps (see graskreis-in-niederscherli-be-aufgetauch).  

First, it resembles stylistically three other crop pictures in England from the years 2017 or 2018. That does not prove that it was made by the same unseen artists, but it is certainly consistent with the general character of this phenomenon as a whole:  

We do not have any close-up ground photographs to help determine whether this new, 20-meter-wide “grass picture” might be real or else man-made? So some caution is necessary when making any interpretations of its meaning. Still as shown in other photographs on this page, the large field of grass in which it appeared had no tramlines, and aerial photographs show no evidence that anyone might have been tromping around inside of it with “rope and boards”. Also, many of its flattened lines were very thin and curved, thereby making any kind of local human construction (unseen) a difficult task.  

Quite amazingly, this new grass picture from near Niederscherli, Switzerland on October 19, 2018 also resembles (in terms of shape and symmetry) another grass picture which appeared in the same field 13 years earlier on September 30, 2005:  

After studying this new grass picture in its proper landscape context (see below), we find that it may have been meant to represent some kind of “rotary wheel” which is spinning anti-clockwise. For example, it might perhaps represent the rotary motion of a small “casting reel”, which is used for retrieval of a line, when fly-fishing in Switzerland (see flyfishing-in-switzerland or trout-fishing-in-switzerland):  

If this interpretation is correct, then it would seem that the crop artists may have included a certain amount of humour in their drawing! Let us continue further in our systematic studies 

When we study this grass picture in its broad landscape context, using Google Earth as in the slide below, we can see immediately the large, schematic image of a “goat-man” on the left. That is how the “Devil” is represented today in our popular culture, for example by a statue of Baphomet at the Arkansas State Capitol (see satanic-temple-unveils-goat-headed-winged-baphomet-statue-arkansas-state-capitol-jason-rapert):   

Next if we look towards the lower right in the same slide, we can see that our “goat-man” seems to be “reeling in a fish” (circled by a yellow oval). The grass picture as drawn (outlined by a small blue square) might represent a fast-turning “fishing reel”, which is rotating anti-clockwise as the “Devil” retrieves his “catch”.  

In the next slide, we can see a slightly-enlarged and sideways-tilted view of that same “goat-man” or Devil, who seems to be using a small landscape “worm” for bait (located just to the right of the grass picture as drawn):  

The grass picture is outlined here again by a small blue square. It seems again to represent a fast-turning “fishing reel”, by which the Devil is retrieving his “catch”.  

Finally let us take a closer look at that “worm” in the landscape, which the Devil seems to be using for his “bait”. That curvy “worm” lies just to the right of where the crop picture was drawn, and also near many high-voltage electrical power lines, which appear in the slide below as a series of faint, thin white lines, which run almost vertically through the “worm” shape from upper left to lower right:   

Near the “head” of that “worm”, we can see a long “antenna” on the left, and also a  white, rectangular shape which resembles a “mobile phone” just to the right of his head, where his “ear” might be located. Finally to the far left of that “worm”, we can see the “open jaws” of a cartoon “fish”, who is about to take the “worm” as bait. 

In summary, it seems that the “Devil” is putting out a “worm” with an “antenna” and also a “mobile phone” as bait, in order to catch people on Earth, rather than trying to catch fish per se. What a clever and humorous metaphor! Have you ever “swallowed” any doubtful news from the mainstream media on your mobile phone, or doubtful claims on Facebook? Did you get “hooked” and “reeled in” by their devilish deceptions? 


“Devil’s gone fishing, and I’m the one that took the bait” (see www.youtube.com)  

Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie)



Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike

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