
That interactions of consciousness are involved between the CircleMakers and we who have been drawn to the Phenomenon has been documented by researchers many times. The Intelligence has obliged some of us by transmitting specific Formations we've envisioned and requested in meditations; it has gifted others of us by honouring personal requests we've made. In 1994, I asked the CircleMakers to give us a clear physical means by which we might immediately identify their Formations so that even novices might hold tangible "food for thought" in their own hands and before their eyes. Specifically, I asked them to incorporate blown nodes into all of their Circles, since this feature is not replicable, to the same significant degree, through human effort. Another researcher from Oregon (USA) told me that he independently also made the same request of them in 1994 - which fact I didn't learn until the '95 Season. There's no doubt in my own mind that as a result of our requests, every Formation I visited which had been transmitted during June/July of the 1995 Season (perhaps 25 Circles) exhibited visibly blown nodes. Sadly, the eyes of but a few people were opened upon seeing the holes in the stalks; many continued to choose to not consider the implications of what was being disclosed. Happily, a few of the eyes which were opened belonged to farmers who examined for the first time the anomalous expulsion cavities in Formations in their own fields. Though they remained unconvinced, all were duly impressed - for they knew their crops, and this wasn't something they'd seen before.

Each of us on this planet has free will; our freedom to create our own realities is not infringed upon in any way by our CircleMakers. They simply set before us a miracle-filled smorgasbord, then "sit back" and observe our interactions. We are free to believe or disbelieve whatever we choose as we constantly (re)create our own realities. The CircleMakers, and indeed all our non-physical Guides and Helpers, continue to assist and "reward" us as we struggle to recognise and respond to their nudgings. They make available Gifts to those who, with respect and humility, unbiasedly share the lessons they're learning. Though our western consensus reality does not even consider the possibility of such "alternate realities" coexisting alongside our more universally recognised one - unless it recognises them as diseased states - many individuals not only accept such parallel realities* as "givens", but are utilising them to enrich their lives.

Electrifying Clues

Our Teachers encourage our seeking with Gifts of many kinds. Sometimes we are rewarded for lessons learned with gifts of our own choosing; sometimes totally unexpected presents are placed before us. Although most will agree that the nuts-and-bolts "how?" of the Phenomenon is of secondary importance to the primary "why?", it seems to me that the CircleMakers have demonstrated their willingness to work with us from both ends. They have quite deliberately left us clues, both spontaneously and because many of us have asked them to, in order to help us understand what Energies they are manipulating and how they might be doing it. They offer us tantalising, tangible evidence that there is more to us and our planet than we've been able to figure out over the last several million years!

One of the very clearest "hints" we received which helped shape my hypothesis regarding the "intelligent encoding" or programming of the Energies involved the Birling Gap Transmissions which arrived in Sussex County (England '94). In their excellent documentation, Barry Reynolds and Andy Thomas refer to the Formations

* See Appendix 2

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