I've also read with interest a story in which British researcher John Holman relates that he lost control of a model aircraft he'd been flying over a Formation to obtain photographs. The plane tumbled to Earth as the powerful electromagnetic (E-M) Energies above the Pattern interrupted his operation of the craft. Additionally, in two instances of which I am aware, microlite pilots are reported to have made emergency landings after their engines stalled over Circles. Although at least one of these aircraft's engines was subsequently torn down and examined, no explanation for the malfunction was discovered.

... and The Energies Go Down - and All Around

My own investigation of the SandRings in Oregon (USA '94) partially confirmed my hypothesis that the transmitted Energies also penetrate into the Earth. I collected for analysis sand samples from inside the Rings from a depth of six to eight inches. When the Formation sand was analysed and compared with the controls, significant subsurface ionic alterations in the Formation sand were discovered. (Core sampling studies would augment our data regarding the depth of penetration of the Energies.) Also, the British ADAS lab's surface soil analyses have confirmed an unexpected and consistent elevation in nitrogen levels in crop from Formations they've examined.

Some hypothesize that the Circles are initialised in our ionosphere by Earth's E-M energies; I believe that the Circle-creating Energies originate from a lot "higher" up than 60 miles; I also sense that they penetrate significantly deeper into our Earth than the eight inches we were able to document at Hug Point.

Since the various clues we've pieced together indicate that a Formation's E-M energies extend well up into the air directly above it and penetrate the ground on which they arrive, it seems reasonable to me that their Energies might also be expected to alter the neighbourhoods into which they are transmitted. Too many Circles arrive in obviously "unique" locations for the proximities to be merely "chance", "coincidental", or "accidental". Several of our Formations here in the States (for example: Kennewick/WA, Columbia Center/NY, Lompoc/CA, the five Circles in Bethune/SC, and our newest Circle in Laguna Canyon/CA*) have been located near nuclear facilities. Most Crop CircleS in England are oriented toward or are discovered near ancient sacred sites. A majority of southern England's Formations lie within a 20-mile radius of Silbury Hill, the oldest man-made step pyramid in Europe.

Earth energy lines and ley lines run through many Formations and can be located by dowsing **. The ancient dowsing tools which enable us to recognise myriad subtle organic Earth energies disclose with equal certitude the Energies of the CircleMakers - whether or not we are able to grok the principles behind the process.

* The Canyon Pattern was first spotted on March 9, 1996. There are 3 separate Glyphs involved: one consists of 9 concentric Rings; a second, 86' away at 2 o'clock, is a set of 5 concentric Rings; and 143' from the 9 Rings at 3 o'clock are 2 more concentric Rings. From the outer Ring of the last Glyph, 14 spokes of varying length project, each with a small Ring at its end. The spoke farthest from the 9 Rings branches trident-style into 3 short lines at the end, each of which touches the Ring. See the Resources List to obtain a copy of this very interesting report.

** Dowsing is an ancient method of locating subtle energies. Various tools are used in the process to help focus one's awareness, including forked hickory or willow branches, pendulums, and metal L-rods. The tools assist with locating subterranean fluids, energy lines, and even lost people and objects, depending upon the intent and experience of the seeker. To date, dowsing has not been documentable by scientific testing (science's bottom line regarding "what's acceptable" must first be broadened so that the right questions might be asked!). The fact that science has been unable to verify the validity of dowsing, however, has not deterred major oil companies from using skilled dowsers to relatively inexpensively locate potential oil-bearing sites, farmers from dowsing to locate broken underground irrigation pipes, and landowners from routinely utilising the services of dowsers to locate new water wells.

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