A general-purpose template for creating “sacred geometry”: the new crop
picture at Chilcomb Down on June 21, 2016 has hidden geometrical
significance, and would be useful for teaching science to young children
at the Science
Centre nearby
This new crop picture at Chilcomb Down shows a general-purpose template
for creating "sacred geometry" of various kinds. Three different
examples of how to use this clever “template” are described below, for
the “Seed of Life” or “Flower of Life”. Two different rotational
orientations are most relevant, differing by 30 degrees.
This wonderful new crop picture may have been meant as a “gift”, to help
teach young children in the Winchester Science Centre nearby.
Administrators of that centre, please open your minds and pay attention:
seldom do we get high-quality teaching material from beyond Earth!
“Minds, like parachutes, only work if they are open.”
Red Collie
(Dr. Horace T. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB Cambridge UK, 1982-86,
CSIRO Australia 1987-2010)
I measured the area of the field flattened. There are one smallest
circle at centre(a),12 middle circle on around(b), one large
circle(c) and one more the largest circle(d) including all of them
in it.
When the radius of the circle(b) is "1"...
The area, outside of the circumference(c) is 8.2566...
The area, inside of the circumference(c) is 4.0212...
(8.2566 - 4.0212) ^(1/3) = 1.6179...
This is almost phi.
Again and again,phi,phi,phi...
If I were a person in charge,
I would prepare a wonderful twist at the end of this story.
Crop circle from
Chilcomb Down, nr Winchester, Hampshire,
According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, 21st June 2016 is a
day with the Solar Seal “Yellow Seed”.
According to the 13-Moon calendar, 21st June 2016 is a day of
the 12th Lunar month or 12th Moon with Tone 12 –
the Crystal Tone of Cooperation.
In my opinion,
on the crop circle are depicted following energies:
Yellow Seed
Blue Eagle
the Supporting Energy of the Yellow Seed
Red Earth
the Occult Teacher of the Yellow Seed
These energies have following qualities:
Yellow Seed – Targets, Awareness, Flowering
Tone 12 – the Crystal Tone of Cooperation
Blue Eagle – Creativity, Vision, Collective Mind
Red Earth – Evolution, Navigation, Synchronization
The crop cirlce resembles a blossoming FLOWER. On this way is depicted
the energy “Yellow Seed” – the Energy of
FLOWERING. On the crop circles this energy is mostly depicted through
small circles-"Seeds” or through Flowers.
The circle "P" in the very center of the crop circle symbolizes a
Portal. 21st June 2016 is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.
Round this circle are depicted 6 “Seeds”, marked through the letter “S”
on the image.
On a day with the Solar Seal “Yellow Seed” we plant “Seeds”, which will
grow and blossom. The Seeds are our Thought-Forms, for example for
Peace, Harmony and Prosperity for all people on the Earth.
We can “plant” such Thought-Forms/Seeds for different things on personal
and on social plane.
The figure, which consists of the elements 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the image,
resembles a human face with big eyes. On this way is depicted the energy
“Blue Eagle” – the Energy of VISION. The elements 2 an 3 are the eyes, 1
– the mouth, 4 – the forehead, between 2 and 3 is the nose.
We can say, that these 6 human faces symbolize the Humanity.
There are 12 elements from type 2 and 3. Here the number 12 symbolizes
Tone 12 – the Crystal Tone of Cooperation, the Tone of the current 12th
In my opinion, the designers of this crop circle remind us to use the
energy of the Blue Eagle – the energy of the VISUALIZATION.
We can co-create the desired reality by visualizing it.
The Visualization is a powerful energy tool for Creation.
The energy Blue Eagle teaches us also, that we have to unite ourselves,
to think about the collective.
Tone 12 – the Crystal Tone of Cooperation – teaches us to strive for
cooperation with the other people.
Only in Unity and in Cooperation we can achieve a reality, where all
people live in prosperity, where each person can develop his full
creative potential.
The outer circle symbolizes the Earth and on this way is represented the
energy Red Earth.
And the central figure, which resembles a blossoming FLOWER, symbolizes
What a wonderful VISION !!
The formation is at a few hundred meters distance from a planetarium that
offers a full-dome experience (see also
Winchester Science Centre):
The formation expresses this planetarium. It refers to the stars in
contrast to our own star: the sun. The earth and all other planets
revolve around the sun. This is why people usually adore the sun, not
realizing that the sun is just a star as billions of other stars. In the
West, astrology relates to the sun, as the beginning of the zodiac (0
degrees Aries) is by definition the spring equinox on the northern
hemisphere. This is called the tropical zodiac, but the tropical zodiac
in fact has no connection with any constellation at all; for example on
March 20 (spring equinox), the sun is in the constellation Pisces.
The sidereal zodiac
It is very well possible to define the zodiac in such a way that there is
a true relationship with the stars that will not change over the course
of several centuries, as is the case regarding the tropical zodiac.
Astrologers call this the sidereal zodiac. The sidereal zodiac is still
in use in India, in Vedic astrology. According to Vedic tradition, the
star Spica is by definition 0 degrees Libra. The formation points us to
the stars by the nearby planetarium as well as the design of the crop
circle formation itself. The formation divides the circle in 6 or 12
parts; they relate to the 12 signs of the zodiac.
When will people reconnect?
When we assume that the formation was created in the night of June 20 to
21 around 00:00 local time, the formation was created at the very moment
that the sun entered the sign Cancer according to the tropical zodiac.
This is also the astronomical start of the summer (the shortest night),
which closely relates to the tropical zodiac.
However, when we consider the sidereal zodiac, the sun was at about 6
degrees Gemini that day. Next year, in the night of June 14 to 15, 2017,
the sun enters Gemini (sidereal zodiac) around midnight. This is very
illuminating, not only because this happens to be at midnight again, but
also because we find a configuration of a six-pointed star, which is in
line with the design of the crop circle formation:
This figure displays all usual celestial bodies, including the four most
important asteroids, Eris (both in red), Chiron, the lunar nodes and
Lilith. While the sun is at the nadir (IC), Saturn is at midheaven (MC),
close to the centre of the galaxy, the supermassive black hole of
Sagittarius A*. The other points of the six-pointed star also precisely
correspond with one or even more important points (celestial bodies or
the lunar nodes), except the point around 0 degrees Libra. However, this
is exactly the reference point of the sidereal zodiac and by definition
the position of the star Spica!!
This also clarifies that Spica still is the reference-star for the
true sidereal zodiac. This is important as a lot of confusion arose
in the fifties of the previous century, when some astrologers in the West
started to use a slightly different kind of “sidereal zodiac”, deviating
from Vedic tradition.
The reference to June 15, 2017 probably also means that by that time
people will be reconnected with the stars again and the tropical zodiac
will lose its significance. Planet Earth finally will give no place to an
ego-minded humanity.
Marc Smulders
Artwork WJ
I’m sending your readers a right and left mirrored
image of this formation.
Get your magnifying glass out readers, as you
will need it to see the symbols!
In this first image you can now clearly see the
face of a human lion.
I say human as the mouth of this lion is very
human looking.
Take note of the lines that appear in the crops
as they now meet with this lions eyes.
Notice now that the land in the distance has
become heart shaped.
And also just slightly above the pointed tip of
the heart shaped land there is a sort of launching pad as above it
now hovers a white spacecraft of some kind.
This craft is either just landing or its just
taking off?
But the question is just who is this human lion?
What are those in the heavens trying to tell us?
In this mirrored formation there
now appears now some kind of symbols. I personally don’t understand
any of these symbols.
Take note that there is now the figure of a man
in the oval shape that is in the centre bottom of the formation.
Love Helen
The photo
indicates geometrical defects and possible manmade status. We have
an inner ring of six circles plus an outer, larger ring of six
circles, a central circle, and a single impact circle in the
center. Similar designs occur with GBR (07/07/19), pg. 160, and
GBR (11/07/03), pg. 278. The 12 circles and impact area suggest
Comet E. The black and white areas would refer to the relative
portions of gas and solid matter, and/or the portions of the 12
fragments falling at day or night. Download the free ebook at
http://theheckhypothesis.com/aboutthebook.html for the page