Ox Drove, Nr Wylye Wiltshire. Reported 16th June.
Map Ref: SU004350
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Updated Tuesday 5th July 2016 |
Our destiny lies above us
A war, long and fierce, engulfed the planet; brother amassed
against brother.
There was death and destruction both north and south.
For many circuits desolation reigned the land; all life was
Then a truce was declared; then peacemaking was conducted.
Let the nations be united, the emmissaries said to one another:
Let there be on throne on Nibiru, one king to reign over all.
Let a leader from north or from south by lot be chosen, one king
supreme to be.
If he be from north, let south choose a female to be his spouse as
equal queen to reign alongside. - The Lost Book of Enki (Zecharia
Deshi Basara! We rejoice in gratitude with all the Native Americas’
unwavering heart, that is reempowered by Lady Nînki to lead all the
nations to the Fifth World. God bless Turtle Island and the British
Isles! Independence, now, rise! (Blog)
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our geodesic-astronomic analysis on this genuine manifestation, thank
anshar |
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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations
This crop circle appeared June 16,
2016 - near hiking trails Monarch's Way. The route follows the long
journey of King Charles II. while fleeing from England into exile at the
end of the civil war in 1651. The entire route has a length of 615
miles, it is 990 km, and is connected to other long-distance journeys.
Tourists watch a lot of historical buildings of antiquity.
This location and the date of 16
June 2016 is certainly no coincidence. Dominated by the number 6 and 16
reminds us of the events during the reign of Charles I., then his son
Charles II. in England.
A brief
overview of the events of that period:
Europe at that time convulsed in
religious Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648) and in England raging civil war
(1642-1651). Charles I of England - King of England, Scotland and
Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution Jan. 30, 1649. England
then became a republic and ran the country for the Lord Protector Oliver
Cromwell. Scotland was an independent kingdom. February 5, 1649 Scottish
Parliament appointed the son of the executed king King of Scotland.
Charles II. He was crowned as the Scottish monarch January 1, 1651. In
the same year he went to England with the Army against Cromwell. In the
battle of Worcester September 3, 1651 but was defeated and was forced to
retreat into exile.
After the death of Oliver Cromwell
in 1658 occurred in the country's political crisis, which has led to the
fact that Charles II was asked to come back to England and took the
throne. So restored the monarchy. April 23, 1661 was crowned. England
and Scotland became a constitutional monarchy.
Under his reign, England had to
soon face another disaster. In 1665 it was the Great Plague of London,
and soon thereafter in 1666 Great Fire of London.
During the Civil War lost England,
Scotland and Ireland about 10% of the population. Europe during the
Thirty Years' War lost about 30% of the population.
It seems to me that the remembrance
of this troubled period is nowadays very topical. After a referendum on
Britain to remain in the European Union June 23, 2016 UK union leave.
The result is irreversible. This is probably a harbinger of other
dramatic events.
Pávková Z. |
Artwork WJ
Closing the circle of the Julian and Gregorian calendar
The Julian calendar and the formation
Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar on January 1, -44
(historical the year 45 BC when the year 0 is excluded). On October 15,
1582, this was refined by the introduction of the Gregorian calendar.
Nowadays many people believe this calendar is just an “artificial” way
of time reckoning, but this formation shows this is not the case. The
formation shows four symbols that are spirals and are a symbol of
creation. The other 2 × 4 = 8 symbols reflect the relationship with the
moon, especially the lunar month and as I will explain, multiples of 8
or even 4 × 8 lunar month relate to the Julian and Gregorian calendar.
The introduction of the Julian calendar in fact already happened on
October 12, -46 regarding the proleptic Julian Calendar. This was
January 1 in the still existing Roman Calendar and the start of an extra
long calendar-year, officially meant to realign the start of the
calendar-year (January 1) with the winter again. However, this
calendar-“year”, in history known as the last year of confusion,
also precipitated the true start of the Julian Calendar 445 days later
(January 1, -44).
The relationship with the Gregorian calendar
The Gregorian calendar started precise 1628 years after the beginning of
the last year of confusion on October 15, 1582. This was, classically
spoken, also the same day referring the so-called Tzolkin-calendar. This
shows the relationship between both.
The relationship between the beginning of the calendars and the end of
the nine Underworlds
As many crop circles, amongst others, demonstrate that the so called
nine Underworlds will end on October 28, 2016, it is interesting to find
out if there may be a connection with the introduction of the Julian
calendar (the year of confusion) and/or the Gregorian calendar, which
were introduced both in October according to our present day calendar.
It turns out that the time span between the factual start of the Julian
calendar on October 12, -44 and October 28, 2016 comprises exactly 4 × 8
× 797 lunar months (also almost exactly 2062 sidereal years). The time
span from the start of the Gregorian calendar on October 15, 1582 until
October 19, 2016 (thus short before the end of the Underworlds) not only
comprises exactly 671 × 8 lunar months, but also exactly 434 sidereal
years. Surprisingly, in both cases we find a result that is a multiple
of 8 months (or even 8 × 4), while there is also a connection with
reference to the sidereal year (which is slightly longer than the
tropical year of the Gregorian calendar as this is based on the
relationship with the true sidereal zodiac instead of the tropical
year). The formation expresses the connection with 8 or 4 × 8 lunar
The date of the formation and closing the circle
In practice, the date on which the formation is created supports the
message of the formation. However, for reasons of feasibility, the crop
circle makers didn’t make a connection with for example the start of the
last year of confusion, nor with January 1, -44, but created the
formation exactly 199 × 2 × 8 × 8 (or 199 × 4 × 4 × 8) lunar months
after January 1, -43, precisely one year after the true start of the
Julian calendar. Hence, in this case, there is even a relationship with
8 lunar months as well as 4 lunar months squared, something that happens
only ones over more than 10 years!
Moreover, 4 × 4 × 8 days after the formation’s creation date will fall
on October 22, which, classically spoken, is the last day of the Tzolkin-calendar,
short before the end of the Underworlds.
There is also a connection with the end of the creative power of the
Gregorian calendar, because 2 times this time-span (thus 4 × 8 × 8 days
after the formation’s creation date) refers to February 27, 2017, one
day after the annular eclipse of February 26 and one day before the end
of the month. February 28, 2017 is the date of which quite some crop
circles show that this is the “end-date” of the Gregorian calendar: it
closes the circle of the creative power of this calendar.
Location near Roman archaeology
The Romans introduced the Julian calendar. Hence, it should be no
surprise that the location of the formation is very close to Roman
archaeology. A Roman road runs through
Grovely Wood, close to the formation. At the West-end of Grovely
Wood, very close to the formation, there are
the Iron age/Romano-British
settlements of
Hanging Langford Camp and Church End Ring.
Marc Smulders |
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I see 4 pyramids from the top down (4 corners of the
earth, 4 corners of the universe) and 4 all-seeing eyes. 4 is symbolic of
"all points covered". The circle at centre represents cosmic-source
energy from the universe as well as from heightened gamma ray activation
of our sun. What is the sun activating, and with what result?
As my sense is that all crop formations now speak of
mounting energetic transformation of earth and our species leading to a
peak quantum moment of awakening (many say some time in 2017)-- and there
is only a short window of earth "time" left before that moment, now is
also the moment when earth's energy accumulators which pyramids are, will
also play a heightened role assisting this awakening and transformation.
Pyramids as energy generators as they become more and
more activated by the sun which is also a portal for universal energy,
are tools that raise planetary frequency as they also tap into energies
of the earth and the stars and other celestial bodies around us. As
energy rises in frequency, so consciousness expands, consciousness of the
planet and all the people on the planet. And what happens when
consciousness expands? You "SEE" more -- you access more universal
knowledge direct from the cosmos and become more aware of vaster amounts
of information, your perceptions of reality are much greater because you
can "SEE" farther and wider than before, and that is also called the
ascension of a planet and her people -- you and me. Our expanded sight
enables access to more dimensions of existence, each dimension has
its own data library.
From this perspective, I perceive this crop circle / formation is telling
us that all pyramids worldwide are being brought online once more to
reconnect us energetically with the cosmos around us as in ancient times,
their powers restored as ascension and initiation and time-travel
devices; as power generators supplying gardens and homes and vehicular
transport in any direction, vastly altering our reality and elevating us
to standards we lost but now are being restored--free energy that can "do
all things".
I found this image below of something linear to
correlate - we see the sun, a pyramid and an all-seeing eye. Yes it was
hijacked by those who opposed the divine plan of wellbeing and abundance
for mankind, but when the hijackers are soon departed, the original
intent and purpose of our divine heritage will belong to mankind once
more as originally intended.
Truly as originally intended...yes indeed, and it is coming
back very quickly as we see here:
I was wondering why what I believe to be the 4 all-seeing eyes were
formed separately in between the pyramids (seen from the sky as it
were, top-down) and not somehow worked into the 4 pyramids themselves.
Reason 1 -- would be too cluttered, confusing, obfuscating the message?
Reason 2 -- though appearing separate, they nevertheless go hand in
hand with and belong to
the pyramids. Extrapolating from this, it would
seem logical that mankind itself as
it gathers awareness of the truth of how energy
works, how consciousness functions
and how pyramids harness all of that power and
more, it (mankind) will VERY SOON
in essence become one with that energy which is
multiplying at exponential speed
to 2017 and itself become that all-seeing eye, that
true HUman - Higher Universal Man -
and can exist both separately and distinct from
pyramids, or join with those great instruments
of energy and re-build civilization by putting that
"eye", that true eye of Divine Lighted God on
top of the pyramids himself. The hijackers destroyed the capstones, and
they put their
own on top, but they were false, they were flawed,
and the time for their forever-removal is
now, today, this moment when mankind is ready to
take its power back. We are ready NOW.
The photo
discloses geometrical defects, a characteristic of manmade
circles. The four lens-like figures have never appeared this way
before. They may be eyes, not human, but alien (of Earth or
otherwise), observing the four minor fragments spiraling down to
Earth. There isn’t a discernible reason for the four spirals to be
rectangular, rather than circular, other than the suggestion that
they belong to the four chastising comets (GBR (03/08/01), pg. 175
for example). The center circle indicates an impact site for one
comet, or perhaps four, but it is during daytime, while the four
fragments in the outer region appear to fall during nighttime. The
circle may mean that the aliens will be observing the fall of even
minor fragments during the night in addition to daytime. The page
reference is in the free ebook at http://theheckhypothesis.com/aboutthebook.html.
Ken Heck
Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike |