Westbury White Horse, nr Bratton, Wiltshire.
Reported 4th August.
Map Ref: ST902520
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Updated Thursday 11th August 2016 |

Ranges, Sparticles Wood and Westbury White Horse: an August Procession of
In light of a reading I just received from Judith Moore
and a group of ‘Light Activationists’ working in Holland during a Mayan
Galactic Time Study, I venture to suggest that the three formations
reported in August so far: Chilcomb Ranges, Sparticles Wood and Westbury
White Horse make up one message that gives us a clue as to what is
happening on our Planet in these times.
Quoting part of the reading from Judith Moore and the
Netherlands group (emphasis mine):
within the Gregorian system of time was a formula and this formula,
11-9-11, is a time code that marks the beginning of the 2013 Time Spell and
the end of the 2012 Time Spell. Manifest Creation had to complete itself,
since it did not sustain the Law of Universal Oneness. It was geared by
artificial time and suffering. To complete finite time the eleventh Solar
House brought us on November 9, 2011 the Master Principle of Peace, the
peace that comes with completion. Thus we entered the Aquarian Age, as was
announced through Judith by the consciousness of Infinite Oneness:
‘Love is the tone of the New Galactic Age, the tone of the Aquarian Age.
Earth has moved beyond the limits of the old structures of time.
You crossed the threshold to a truly blessed world and the message from the
universe is deep love.’
But love does not manifest unless we choose for it. We need to be focused
on peace and to work with the breath of the holographic heart. We can
no longer manifest from our brain or from our mind. The only level of
manifestation that is cooperative with the new reality is holographic heart
resonance. In these apocalyptic times we may set the intention that
each action that creates suffering is balanced with an action of
2017 is the Trinity Year of the emergence of the Galactic 2013 Time
Spell. The formulas of the New Calendar system are active in
Creation. The Mayan Time Tablet carries keys to the Galactic Thirteen Time
Spell. We will work with the tablet to activate the sacred alchemy and
open the codes. We journey to the sacred center with open and loving hearts
and an intention of peace. The Masters of the Universe organize the
time frequencies for the flow of Universal Oneness through the Galactic
Core. Every aspect of our reality is coded with the Universal Codes of
Light that are entering our time continuum through the Mirror of Reality
that is the living hologram of earth. Humanity will naturally
evolve into a synergism with the new time frequencies, which are powerful
forces that shape our reality and alter the human DNA. We are
multidimensional beings; when we access our Cosmic DNA we are able to
receive these powerful formulas. And bring them into manifestation in the
physical plane through our mind, body, spirit and soul.
The Old Paradigm of the 3D reality of earth is breaking down shown by
the extreme chaos and duality that serve to shift consciousness. As we
awaken we open our hearts, release the old limitations and receive the New
Light of Creation. We then become the mirrors of the New Reality for the
awakening of mass consciousness.”
Even though the Sparticles Wood formation was made in
July, it’s discovery and consequent posting allows it to be in the middle
of the ‘story’ seen in the August formations so far. Perhaps the
‘mirroring’ activity suggested by RC has been a continuous phenomenon, but
the timing of the posting gives us an understanding of how the circlemakers
can even influence what and when things are found so that some coherent
message is more easily understood. That is how my thought processes work,
in other words the synchronicity element is a factor in the understanding
of these three August formations.
With the words of the mediators (above) as a guideline,
we could interpret the Chilcomb Ranges formation as the active
disintegration of earthly 3D reality (the square symbol for earth within
the universal reality); this earthly reality in Sparticles Wood, then
alters, and has been altering, to become a ‘mirror’ for the New Time and
New Reality that operates under the Law of Oneness; the Westbury White
Horse formation shows us the beauty of the New Earth, balanced and
harmonious, as indicated by the six petals, existing as a multidimensional
entity suggested by the curving grid designs in the petals–quite different
from the static grid we see at Chilcomb Ranges.
The symbolism of the White Horse cannot be ignored in
this instance because the time factor that is implicit in these three
formations is punctuated by the presence of the Westbury White Horse. In
many cultures all over the world the white horse is a significant symbol:
the Greek Pegasus; the steed of Celtic Rhiannon; Zoroastrian Tishtrya,
personification of the star Sirius; Buddha’s horse, Kanthaka; St George’s
horse; and Al-Buraq, the horse of the Night Journey of Muhammad; a Korean
white horse facilitated the unification of six warring states; in the
Phillipines the white stallion represents a saving grace; in Viet Nam a
white horse showed a king where to build his citadel. (white horse in

Uffington White Horse is 3,000 years
old; Celtic Goddesses, Epona and Rhiannon had white horses; Pegasus, the
winged horse, symbolizes wisdom, poetic inspiration; St. George slew
dragons from a white horse; Kalki is an end of time avatar of Vishnu; Al-Buraq
is the steed that carried Muhammad on his Night Journey.
All these horse symbols are connected to spiritual
energy, to victory of a superior existence over a former one, and often to
end times. Kalki, Hindu avatar of Vishnu, is to be the last saviour and is
predicted to appear on a white horse or as a white horse at the end times.
Marc Smulders has given us ample information regarding the indicators of
endings of time periods and beginnings of a new time in his article on
Chilcomb Ranges, August 3rd and for the formation at Stonehenge, nr
Amesbury, July 8th.
The three formations as reported in the beginning of
August could be understood as elements of a storyboard for the events
happening and to happen on our Earth: a disintegration of 3 dimensional
reality, a new awareness or mirroring of the multidimensional reality and a
final completion of the New Creation.
We are in for brilliant opportunities to celebrate from
the heart, our existence, our lives, our planet, our future!
–Michelle Jennings |


Art Work WJ |

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations
Connecting the start of the Julian and the Islamic calendar with October
28, 2016 and midsummer 2017
The flower symbolizes the feminine, the relationship with the moon,
nature and new life and has:
- 6 petals
- 71 segments each petal
The following clarifies the connection between the past and the very
near future.
The reference of the Westbury White Horse to the past and October 28
Although open to debate, it is often claimed that the Westbury White
Horse commemorates the battle of Ethandun, which happened between 6 and
12 May AD 878.
I found out that on May 12, 878 Jupiter and the moon were at
approximately the same position in the sidereal zodiac as on the day the
formation arose. In the mean time Jupiter revolved 16 × 6 times around
the sun and both dates (May 12, 878 and August 4, 2016) fell a few days
before a moon-Jupiter-conjunction. Interestingly, during the time span
from May 12, 878 to August 4, 2016 (the day of the formation), exactly 6
× 6 × 6 × 70 moon-Jupiter-transits occurred. Even more baffling is the
fact that the time-span between the moon-Jupiter-conjunction on May 15,
878 and the moon-Jupiter-conjunction on October 28, 2016 corresponds
with exactly 3 × 71 × 71 times the interval between successive
moon-Jupiter-conjunctions (thus corresponding with 3 × 71 × 71
This is very important as 71 is a key-number of the formation and the
reference to October 28, 2016 pops up many times in crop circle
formations, because this date probably marks the end-date of the so
called underworlds.
The relationship with the start of the Julian calendar
On December 3, -45 (46 BC), less than a month before the introduction of
the Julian calendar in -44, a annular eclipse took place in conjunction
with Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, lilith and the lunar south node in
conjunction with the centre of the galaxy. In 2017-2018, Saturn will
also dwell in the centre of the galaxy. However, the year 2017 mainly
relates to the year -42, because in 2017 Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune
and, with a larger deviation Pluto will be in the opposite position in
the sidereal zodiac in comparison with the year -42. The time span from
-42 until 2017 is 2059 = 29 × 71 years. This relates to the 71 segments
of the petals. Furthermore, 29 years approximate 359 lunar months as
well as 29 × 388 sidereal months, but 71 × 359 lunar months exactly
equal the time span from the beginning of the Julian calendar (January
1, -44) until October 28, 2016! This time span is also an approximation
of 71 × 388 sidereal months.
Hence, this is the second exact relationship with October 28 this
year in connection with the number 71, while there is also a
relationship with the year 2017.
Relationship with the start of the Islam
When we count 71 × 7171 days back from the date of the formation, we
find a connection with precise 1394 years earlier, or august 9, 622.
Amazingly, this date fell in the first month of the Islam, which started
on July 15, 622 (year 1 AH).
An important key for finding another connection is the time span of 3 ×
9 lunar months, which almost precisely corresponds with 2 synodic cycles
of Jupiter. August 2 to 3 was new moon and when we count 71 × 3 × 9 × 9
lunar months back this refers to the total solar eclipse of August 23,
621. This happened in conjunction with Neptune and Uranus and
“predicted” the beginning of the Islam in 622. The total eclipse in 621
relates to the solar eclipse on September 1, 2016, in opposition with
Neptune, precise 1395 years later.
The abovementioned relationship of the lunar month with Jupiter exhibits
a slight drift, because 71 × 3 × 6 synodic cycles of Jupiter after the
total eclipse in 621 refers to a later date, namely the end of April,
2017. This also corresponds with 1416 Tuns or 118 × 6 × 6 × 6 Vinals (a
Vinal = 20 days); this relates to the 6 petals.
When we count 71 × 3 × 9 × 9 lunar months from July 15, 622 (day 1, year
1 AH), this refers to exactly June 24, 2017, a reference that is often
found in crop circle formations.
The flower stands for new life or a new way of living, in connection
with nature and this formation connects the start of Eastern and Western
culture with the end of the underworlds on October 28, 2016 and
midsummer 2017.
Marc Smulders |
These six
pentagons (manned space vehicles) have two slightly convex sides
in distinction to the concave sided pentagons of July 28, perhaps
to suggest they are functioning as shields. (See T1187 and T1215,
pg. 147, for two of the various shield circles.) The cross
hatching refers to a connection with the internet permitting
world-wide observation of what they see in space. T515, pg. 143,
and T955, pg. 145 are internet crop circles. The central ring is
the Earth (at night) under observation and protection from comets
by the vehicles. These vehicles are not necessarily in space all
at the same time, but all will suffer damage from the incoming
comets during the 250+ years of the cometary period (beginning
with Comet A). The small size of Earth indicates
the vehicles are not in Earth orbit but much further out, perhaps
near the orbit of Venus, as specified by the B612 Foundation.
Download the free ebook at http://theheckhypothesis.com/aboutthebook.html
to see the pages.

7 –
the Resonant Tone of Attunement with the Source and with All That Is
Crop circle from
Westbury White Horse, nr Bratton, Wiltshire,
According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, 4th August 2016 is a
day with the Solar Seal “Yellow Star” and with Tone 7. On 26th
July began the Year of the Blue Spectral Storm.
In my opinion, on the crop circle are depicted following energies:
Yellow Star
Red Moon
These energies have following qualities:
Yellow Star – Creativity, Elegance, Art, Beauty, Harmony
Tone 7 – the Resonant Tone of Attunement with the Source and with All
That Is
Red Moon – Purification, Flow, Universal Water

In the center of the formation is depicted a 6-pointed star, it
symbolizes the energy “YELLOW
The formation resembles a FLOWER with 6 petals. It symbolizes the energy
“Yellow Seed”. We, the people, are Yellow Seeds, “planted” here on the
Earth to develop our consciousness.
This crop circle is a continuation of the crop circle from 30th
July 2016 at
Cley Hill,
Warminster, Wiltshire,
SELF-GENERATION in the Blue Storm Year:
On the crop circle from 30th July 2016 are depicted 20 “clay
figures”. In the Blue Storm Year each of us can use the Blue energy of
Transformation in order to make from himself (from such a clay figure) a
“New Human”.
On the crop circle from 4th August 2016 we see the same clay
figures. From each figure we can form a human:
H will be the head, A – the arms, F – the legs.
On the crop circle from 4th August 2016 each figure has
already an energy net.

On the figure is shown the central line of the energy net, which
consists of 7 rhombs. This line represents the spine – the main energy
column of the human, consisting of 7 chakras. In the Mayan calendar each
Tone corresponds with a joint in the human body and
Tone 7 corresponds with the
The upper two sections of the energy net have 9 rhombs each. Here the
number 9 symbolizes the energy “RED
MOON” – Solar Seal No. 9. On this way is shown, that the energy
net of the human is attuned to receive the Flow of Universal Water, i.e.
of cosmic energies.
The circle in the center represents the Source. On a day with Tone 7
occurs an attunement with the Source and with All That Is. The peak of
the energy net of each figure is directed to the Source. And the two
ends “A” (the “arms”) are directed to the neighbor figures, this shows
the attunement with All That Is, also with the other people.
The most outer circle represents the Earth. The energy net of each
figure is connected on the bottom (at the feet "F") with the Earth.
The whole energy net consists of rhombs which looks like crystals.
The channels for the Attunement form the structure of the human crystal
light body. In the Blue Storm Year we receive the Blue Energy of
Transformation, which helps us to transform our cells in crystalline
ones and for the developing of our crystal light body.
In my opinion, the location of the crop circle –
Bratton – is chosen not by
chance. "Bratt pan" is a big pan
for cooking of big quantities of food. In such pan the raw food is
boiling, frying, roasting by high temperature. In this process the raw
food changes its qualities and at the end we receive a cooked mail with
the desired new qualities.
In a like manner, during the Blue Storm Year everybody can "roast his
clay figure on the fire of the Blue energy of Transformation" and at the
end of the year he can become a New Human, with the desired new
qualities ;-).
Gratitude to the authors of this fascinating crop circle and to the
Matthew Williams!
Maya Todorova |
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It reminds me the mysterious tri-lobed disc of Sabu, discovered at
Saqqara, Egypt.
Maybe it's relevant to say that the amazing flying capable Egyptian
"Bird" was also found in Saqqara...

Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike |