The Crop Circle Connector 2001/2002 Member's Web Site Links

Update  Tuesday 19th February 2002

Our  members can now include their own Web Site Links on The Crop Circle Connector, creating a network of dedicated community.

All of our members for the 2001/2002 Crop Circle Connector Mailing List can submit (if they wish) their own Homepage's, with their own identified Email address, as part of the annual subscription. One of the conditions is that the site should have appropriate contents, but does not have to be actually related to Crop Circles.

The Crop Circle Connector will have the final decision on the Web Site selection of our members. Please can you send your Web Site addresses, via Email, and icon if applicable to your Site.



Viajes organizados desde Espaņa, para grupos reducidos, interesados en la zona mitica de Avalon y la Linea Iniciatica de los Druidas,  donde aparecen la gran mayoria de los Circulos de Trigo.

This site is aimed at the Spanish speaking community and explains the sacred sites and places that are to be found on the St Michael ley Line, with a special emphasis given to he Crop Circle Phenomenon.

.com is the web site project of Millennium Research, aimed at providing answers to some of the most important questions raised by the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon. When complete this will include the in depth decoding of more than 150 non-manmade Crop Circle ‘pictograms’; extensive Crop Circle ‘luminosity’ research, presenting compelling photographic evidence of a luminous phenomenon associated with Crop Circle Creation; Crop Circle science; theories; links; and important information on related parapsychological phenomena.




If you want a 'T' shirt that promotes the Crop Circles year after year for everyone to see, then this is the site to visit.  They have been in business since 1989,  and have plenty of designs to choose from, with singles designs, to multiple
patterns on one shirt. The new 2001 deigns are now available to wear,  so forget the cold climate, and think sunshine and circles, at Jupiter Powerwear. Crop Circles should be seen!

with June Mewhort

A powerful and evocative teacher, June Mewhort acts as a dynamic catalyst in the lives of her students. Her sharp wit and infectious sense of humour combine with her
straightforward style to reflect a teacher who is confident of her own path and unafraid to share her own vulnerabilities and mistakes. Her students asked her to write a book,
claiming that June can see connections in the web of ideas, that others often miss. That book is available here under its title "The Spiritual Labyrinth". June is a living example of
New Age philosophy in action. In the pages of this site, her voice resonates and her students say that they can actually hear her speaking the words as they read them. 

MilkHillbig.jpg (20310 bytes)

Click to enlarge

The poster is printed onto thickish high quality  paper

(size A2)
by John Haddington

To a US customer would cost $39.00: Inc. PP
For a customer in Europe the poster would cost EURO 42.50: Inc. PP.
For a customer in Japan the poster would cost Yen 4760.00: Inc. PP.
For a customer in Australia the poster would cost AUD 75.00: Inc. PP.
For a customer in Canada the poster would cost CAD 60.00: Inc PP.

Contact John Haddington to order the poster.


By Steve Canada

In 1990 I discovered crop circle symbols were ancient Sumerian for Nibiru ("Planet of Crossing"), solar system's 10th planet. The Anunnaki from there are making the circles, identifying themselves by individual name; decipherable using my decoding methods.

Later they were the Egyptian "Gods." Stars viewed from Stonehenge on circle creation dates show they're returning to Earth. UFOs are associated with circle appearances; mathematical constants are shared by Cydonia Mars structures and some circles -- so crop circles, UFOs,
and Mars structures have one source, the Anunnaki of Nibiru. 56 books written since 1990, including "Crop Circle Language"; 24 still in print, each described on website.


The drama in your life is played out in the Theatre in the Round in your Astrological Chart, and sometimes in the latest crop circles.  Our planets are the Cast, moving in predictable paths around the Zodiac.  Those agriglyphs are a lot like Uranus now in Aquarius, bringing lots of surprises.

For over 30 years, Susan Aiu has been helping clients focus their future, charting the current transits as they affect their birth pattern.  Ordering information is on the site, as well as the free weekly and yearly forecasts for all signs. 

Crop Circle Connection

with Sharon Pacione

This is a discussion group for intelligent and harmonious sharing of Crop Circles as they apply to sound, cymatics,
geometry/mathematics, ley lines, ancient/contemporary cultures, symbols, physical symptoms, electro-magnetic
anomalies and more, as well as scientific and/or intuitive meaning(s) of "authentic" formations. Keep in mind that there
may be multiple meanings for individual crop circles as well as a relationship between certain formations, some formed
years apart. Book and website recommendations are encouraged.

Crop Circles, Their Meaning And Connections To Dreams

This is a major section of a large site - Dreams of the Great Earth Changes.  The focus is in-depth articles about specific crop circle formations and the apparent meaning. Dreams and "coincidences" and how they relate to ancient  symbols from myths and religions, are major factors in the interpretations. 
Ancient geometry and numbers are included. The crop circle formations, like  dreams, are apparently messages from a non-human, high intelligence, and  suggest that great changes are near. This page has one of the most extensive  list of crop circle links on the Internet. 

Joe Mason and Dee Finney


Inspired by actual crop circle formations, "Crop Circle Tarot Images" is an extensive gallery of artwork by Ken Bakeman.  With careful attention to the original geometry and nuances of the formations, Ken's art brings added dimensions and visual insights to the crop circle experience. 

Welcome to the new site of the Swiss Crop Circle Research

The target of the Swiss crop circle website KORE'S is to present a platform to all people who can report a crop circle in Switzerland (or another country) and to inform the public about those phenomenal signs of our time.


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Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike

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