Date: June 3-4, around Midnight
Location: Standdaarbuiten, Holland
Crop: Young Wheat
Witnesses: Robbert v/d Broeke, Roy Boschman
Diagram: Roy Boschman
Photos: Roy Boschman
This is the 5th time that Robbert v/d Broeke has had a second
witness present when one of the many crop circles he has (visually)
seen forming has occurred. Roy Boschman, one of Robbert’s friends
who has for years not only often driven Robbert to the fields when
Robbert “knew” a circle would be forming (or just had), he is also
the guy who gets out of bed at the crack of dawn, time after time,
to get photos of the new formations before anybody has entered
them—thus producing a wonderful archive of totally pristine Dutch
crop formations in grass, wheat, rapeseed and barley. It
seems as if the “crop circle energies” finally decided it was Roy’s
turn to actually see one form.

While driving Robbert home from an appointment late on the night of
June 3rd, Robbert began experiencing the “uneasy” feeling he always
gets when a new circle is coming and told Roy they had to drive to
Standdaarbuiten. Robbert “saw” (in his “mind’s eye”) both the field
where the formation would be (one where there has never been a
circle before) and the fact there would be 5 circles, the largest of
which would be ringed. As they approached the area Robbert and Roy
both saw a glowing light-ball zip across the crop down very low
which lit up the whole field.

Roy stopped the car and they got out but, seeing no circles at
first, they decided to walk down the tram-lines in the direction
where the light-ball had disappeared. Suddenly Robbert stopped and
said he could feel a very strong “electric field” in front of them
and a strong tingling all over his body and Roy realized he was also
feeling something “like electricity,” at which moment both men also
heard—very loud—an “electrostatic buzzing” sort of noise all around
them. Robbert said “this has to be the place” and immediately after
speaking those words both men saw a brilliant, glowing
“football-sized” light-ball flash across the tops of the plants in
front of them, vividly lighting up the whole area. The
“electrostatic crackling” noise seemed to be coming from inside the
field itself and then, less that two feet from where Robbert was
standing (slightly ahead of Roy), the five circles “opened up" in a

The five circles quite literally formed in an “arc” around them,
since the tram-line in which they were standing ran through the 2nd
circle—the one next to the largest, ringed circle. As they walked
up to the edge of that circle they both still heard the “crackling.
electrostatic” noise and Robbert saw little flashes of light down
in-between the wheat stalks.

The ring around the largest (14m-diameter) circle measures only 20
cm. wide (less that 8 inches) and the wheat in this ring was not
laid flat to the ground. Both the ringed circle and the 3rd
(8m-diameter) one had small standing tufts….and there was a tiny
twisted centre in the 4th (4.3m-diameter) circle.

The formation energy was clearly palpable to both Robbert and Roy
the entire time they stayed in the field (somewhere between 1 and 2
hours), but neither of them felt any anxiety at all. Roy said he
wanted to stay because the energy felt “so cozy, so familiar”
(almost like he knew what it would feel like from having been around
Robbert so long). And Roy added an interesting note: as had
happened with Robbert and Stan last summer when, together, they had visually
witnessed another circle forming (details to be presented in an
upcoming BLT report), Roy noticed that during the entire time he and
Robbert were in the field no cars went by on the busy highway near
the formation—but that at the exact minute they finally left the
field, a car came zooming down the side road next to the highway.
Roy mentioned this to Robbert, who said that while they were in the
field there was a kind of “protection” in place…exactly the
impression Robbert and Stan had the year before when they saw that
formation occur.

Roy added another odd “coincidence.” A few nights before he and his
partner were entertaining some friends in their back-yard—and Roy,
his partner Nienke, and a female guest all saw an orange-coloured
light-ball fly over their house. It made me remember the “amber
gamblers” regularly seen in the Vale of Pewsey in the early days of
the British crop circles.

Robbert said he felt that this formation is like an “acupuncture
point” and that the circles were “bringing energy” to this field.
It is not yet known if the farmer will allow the public into
this field—watch Robbert’s website for more information.

For multiple reports about the incredibly array of anomalous
phenomena constantly occurring around Robbert, in English, see
reports listed beneath the introduction on his BLT page: http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert.php.
Details of a 5th eyewitness account of a Dutch crop circle forming
right in front of witnesses has been added (reported earlier to the
Crop Circle Connector), now with some new graphics & a few
additional details: http://www.bltresearch.com/eyewitness/5thEyewitness.pdf
and information about three U.S. crop circles in maize—two on
the same farm in western Massachusetts (with photo of associated
light phenomena) and another circle in Minnesota: http://www.bltresearch.com
Nancy Talbott
BLT Research Team Inc.
P.O. Box 400127
Cambridge, MA 02140 (USA)
ph: 617/492-0415