I think that
caret symbol like in right position could be in fact a galactic
representation with rotation around axis, the spiral is also a
galactic representation more obviously for human eye, because
such representation exist since prehistoric times
(credit for the galaxy miniature :
Lynette Cook http://www.nature.com/news/galaxy-formation-the-new-milky-way-1.11517
copyright infringement intended. for educational
use only )
So I think
this could be tell us were some galactic civilisation could be ,
with indication of position in galactic arms and general
direction from earth
We can also
put that earth is the spiral symbol in fact so there is a
supplementary civ in place of « earth“ first point
I noted a
missing line end point , don’t know why , perhaps the location
of the sender ?
If we « turn »
the right symbol on axis , the whole graphic should turn as
milky way galaxy does
The reference
to labyrinth is really intriguing this year and seems to be
Jaumotte alias anakin_nEo