Maiden Castle, Nr Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom. Reported 26th July.

Map Ref: HERE

Updated Monday 3rd August 2015


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A crop picture at Maiden Castle on July 26, 2015 first compared the forward-and-backward motions of planets in Earth’s night sky to “dialling numbers on a telephone dial”, then used that metaphor to give us an important message in forward-and-backward Morse code. Their message for us reads: “911 (emergency) CALL, G.Q. (general quarters), MEET E.T.”  

A crop picture at Maiden Castle on July 26, 2015 first showed a schematic image of the bright planets, Sun and Moon just before the last Venus-Sun conjunction on January 11, 2014. Venus was moving then clockwise in retrograde, relative to the zodiac of distant stars, which were moving anti-clockwise for the image shown below:  

A series of “forward” or “backward” lines around the outside of this crop picture resembles the process of “dialling numbers on a rotary telephone”. As we dial any number with our finger, first we turn the dial forward or clockwise, then a spring within the dial turns it backward or anti-clockwise, so as to restore it to its original position:   

As we approach another Venus-Sun conjunction on August 15, 2015, planet Venus once again began a forward or retrograde motion, relative to the backward motion of distant stars, on July 26, 2015 when this crop picture appeared.  

The general back-and-forth motion of an orbiting planet is illustrated by the movie shown below:  

Such an apparent “backward” motion sometimes comes about, because planet Earth where we live may be orbiting the Sun either more rapidly or more slowly than other planets. Hence as Earth “passes” any planet on the same side of the Sun, an observer on Earth may see Mars or Venus (especially) go “retrograde” for a few months in our night sky.  

Likewise when we sit in a stationary train, at a busy train station, some other train on a neighbouring track may begin to move in the opposite direction, and we see it apparently going “backward” relative to ourselves at rest.  

Now the extra-terrestrials crop artists, who seem to be great lovers of astronomy, used this metaphor to give us a new and important message in :”forward and backward” Morse code.  

When we “dial” the first number of their message as “3” on a “telephone dial”, we can read two characters in Morse code as “9” forward, then “1” in reverse:  

A small extra “bar” at upper left tells us to read the “1” character twice, so as to give “9-1-1”: 

When we “dial” the second number of their message as “1” on a “telephone dial”, we can read three characters in Morse code as “C” forward, then “A” and “L” in reverse:  

A small extra bar at lower right tells us to read the “L” character twice, so as to give “C-A-L-L”.  

When we “dial” the third number of their message as “4” on a “telephone dial”, we seem to be able to read the coded message in two different ways. The first and simpler interpretation shows two characters in Morse code as “G” forward, then “Q” in reverse:  

These two characters “G-Q” suggest a military acronym for “general quarters”.  

By a different format, we can also read the last part of their message as “M” forward, “E” forward”, then “E” backward, “T” backward”, plus another “E” backward, “T” backward:  

Ostensibly this might mean “M-E-E-T  E.T.” or “meet extra-terrestrials”. Their third backward symbol, as a dot for “E”, was drawn slightly off the line of other characters, to suggest that it should be read as a separate word.  

Their complete message for us is thus: “911 (emergency) CALL, G.Q. (general quarters), MEET E.T.”.  

Who might be sending us this clever, coded message? Just above the line in the general location of that Morse character “Q”. we can see the patterned image of a “bird” who is flying this way with “L” for “love”:  

This detail looks just like a “bird eagle”, which was drawn in crops at Uffcott Down on the previous day of July 25, 2015.  

A “bird” and the Morse letter “Q”: perhaps our unseen crop artist could be “Quetzalcoatl”?  

For those millions of humans on Earth who do not “believe” in paranormal crop pictures, as well as for my narrow-minded scientific friends, who only believe what they can measure in their laboratories, this new crop picture will perhaps open a small crack in the darkness of their closed minds.  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew in Calne)





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