Reference to March 17, 2017, Venus, Mercury and Quetzalcoatl
The formation refers to the Venus-Mercury-conjunction on July 22, 2016
and in the near future, 34 weeks later, on March 17, 2017.
At midnight (sun at lowest point), Venus and Mercury are below the
horizon, but the formation is at a higher location, giving a free view
to Venus and Mercury after sunset.
This is in line with a formation that appeared on the same day and also
refers to March 17, 2017:
The wrath of Sekhmet
The formation is also related to the “feathered alien”, an expression of
Quetzalcoatl and also referring to March 2017, see:
Quetzalcoatl returns with Venus as morning star (March 28, 2017?)
Marc Smulders |