Quetzalcoatl versus the greys: two opposing camps in the USA

This is not strictly crop-circle material, but seems to represent the most potent popularization of any crop picture (namely Stonehenge 1996) to the American audience, well beyond the reach of Crop Circle Connector or any other speciality website. I found a recent dialogue between Whitley Streiber and Daniel Pinchbeck to be fascinating, because new crop-circle studies seem to suggest that the great spiritual teacher Quetzalcoatl, an extra-terrestrial visitor to our past, may be our modern crop artist.
Daniel Pinchbeck is his apparent representative (shall we use the term "prophet"?) in the USA. Daniel argues that a great near-future catastrophe as noted at Crabwood 2002 by "much pain but still time" is not inevitable, if we change to alternative-energy technologies in the near future. He also argues that, by thinking in certain ways, we will be able to create our future, whether positive or negative (see www.2012thebook.com):  

While not trying to consider either set of comments in a partisan way, the reader may wish to examine this interesting 2007 dialogue between Streiber and Pinchbeck, in light of recent findings that Crabwood 2002 was made to warn us about an unfriendly "grey" alien race (see www.cropcircleconnector.com/anasazi/time2007o.html).
Whitley Streiber: "For the first time since becoming host of Dreamland in 1999, I have had a fight with a guest on the air. The guest was Daniel Pinchbeck. What was the fight about? He accused me of being in league with dark alien forces that do not have the best interests of the human species at heart. He said that I was spreading a dark view of the human future and that, by doing so, I was helping them to make it come true."

Daniel Pinchbeck: "Both Strieber and I were surprised by the virulence of our verbal battle. The fight began as I explained my hypothesis about 2012, noting that certain aspects of our current world are unsustainable and will have to change, if we are going to survive as a species. I found that Strieber kept mentioning negative aspects. He said that there was going to be a huge die-off of humans in the immediate future.

I argued that nobody knows what is going to happen in the future, and that at the moment, planet Earth is managing to support its large human population adequately. If we used our resources better, by incorporating new techniques or alternative-energy technologies, we might not have to experience a massive die-off at all. According to the thesis I developed in 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, we are now learning that consciousness and intention have effects on physical reality. Therefore, if we focus our intention on negative outcomes, we may help to bring those unfavourable outcomes into physical manifestation, and vice-versa."

How might their dialogue relate to English crop pictures? Well, aren't those beautiful "pictures in a field" meant to raise human consciousness in a positive way? Do they not inspire us all to bigger and better things? And if the great spiritual teacher Quetzalcoatl is making English crop pictures, in addition to inspiring authors such as Daniel Pinchbeck to speak out about crop circles and 2012, even to the extent of putting a crop picture from Stonehenge 1996 on his book cover, so that millions of Americans will see it and take the crop-circle phenomenon seriously, doesn't it all make a lot of sense?

Recall that at Crabwood 2002 they told us, just after "much pain but still time", something else entirely: "believe: there is good out there." Like Elijah under Mount Carmel, modern crop pictures seem to be asking us to choose between two alternative futures: one full of pain, and the other good. Let us choose wisely from our inner spirits.



Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike

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