
Updated  Monday 23rd September 2024



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Barbury Castle of July 17, 1991 showed several stages in the horizontal spin, then upward rise, of a fast-spinning “top”, as would be seen from ABOVE


Finally solved after 33 years! Can you "see" what the crop artist was trying to tell us?


I noticed this clear and simple interpretation, after I drew nearly the SAME diagram in my notes for "spinning magnet" UFO levitation. A useful clue indeed! 





Red Collie (Dr. Horace R, Drew) 

Confirmation of the story of Noah’s Ark in a Babylonian clay table, matching what was drawn in crops near Poirino in Italy 2011


Please watch (time 12:50) “Babylonian Map of the World with Irving Finkel” on WATCH

 “Enki” was the person who advised Noah (Utnapishim) to build a reed boat (ark) around 3000 BC, because he knew that a devastating Flood was coming. There was a temple devoted to Enki in ancient Babylon.


Ea Enki space” was also drawn in crops near Poirino in Italy 2011, along with a schematic “Babylonian Map of the World”. It would seem, therefore, that our friend Eya Enki was/is a very real person, who is involved with (or perhaps directs) the crop-circle phenomenon, at least in Italy. 



Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

The most famous crop-circle of all time showed us how to fly through space!  

I have tested this AC ion-thruster device now to 4 kilowatts.

Full-length videos have been posted on Twitter/X at “RedCollie1”.

Will somebody please show Elon Musk, Space X and NASA?

     Best wishes to all, Dr. Horace R, Drew in Sydney


Método para localizar alienígenas

(with additional English Translation)


Four crop pictures drawn near Poirino, Italy from 2008 to 2011 seem to show the four steps needed to make “compact fusion” by “inertial electromagnetic confinement” with SPIN  

Something like for the Star Trek “impulse drive”.  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

Two “alien IQ tests” now solved!  

Two “astronomical” crop pictures, drawn on June 13, 2019 near Saint-Hippolyte, France were “intelligence tests” given to the people of Earth, to see whether anyone could solve the puzzles drawn there? Just like in a movie “UFO” (2018) with Gillian Anderson.  

I have now solved both puzzles adequately. They show images from solar-system astronomy, not the fine-structure-constant 1/137 LOL. Is there anything else you would like me to do please? 

With best wishes to our crop-artist friends, Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie)

A “ratchet spiral” drawn in crops near Barbury Castle, during 1991 then again in 2008, was meant to teach us how to construct a “ratchet ion-drive” for space travel  

After two years of research in a private laboratory, I have recently operated the “ratchet ion-drive” at a moderate power of 1 kilowatt DC, as shown in a brief movie below. The new device sounds like a noisy “ratchet”, doesn’t it?

It works by ionization of argon gas in a circular capacitor at 2 to 4 kV DC, accompanied by the periodic and rapid discharge of that capacitor in an outward sense as “thrust”. Lorentz forces from a special, axial-radial magnetic field (drawn many times in crops) cause any ionized argon gas within the capacitor first to spin, then to shoot outward. Space scientists on Earth do NOT know this physics yet! A full description of the new and improved method for ion-based space travel is provided in three movies linked below: 

“We can make an ‘electric rocket’ by adding 1 kilowatt of DC power to a ‘ratchet’ ion drive”

(see WATCH )

“A new kind of physics which might be used for ion-propulsion and space travel”


“A new ‘ratchet’ mechanism for electromagnetic ion propulsion”


This was the same device drawn in crops near Milk Hill in May of 1999, in northern Italy from 2008 to 2011 (“E = MC^2” or “Ea Enki space”), and near Bohdankov in the Czech Republic in 2018. All of those previous crop pictures were meant to TEACH us a new “electromagnetic” technology for space propulsion. Does everyone understand now please?  

I do not have the capability in my small lab to go much beyond 1 kilowatt of power. If we went to 100 or 1000 kilowatts of power (say in a nuclear-powered spacecraft), then this new ion-drive could become very useful as an “electric rocket”. It might allow us to explore the entire solar system, where no Earth-based cryogenic or chemical fuels will be available. It could also make possible a “return trip” of colonists from Mars to Earth. Otherwise Elon Musk will be sending people there as a one-way trip. “Willing volunteers, please step forward!” 

With best wishes to all, Dr. Horace R. Drew ( @RedCollie1 on Twitter)

Crop circles, “Mr. Pool” and the “other side”

“Crop circles” began to appear, close to when a mysterious time-travel team from the “other side” began interacting with “our side”, using spacetime wormholes to send through small probes (metallic orbs), or even travel here in person. Like in the TV show “Fringe”, our side seems less technologically-advanced than theirs. They seem to have come from a mirror universe, using spacetime wormholes, and will "disappear" from our timeline if they go back.

The notion has been expressed in many “Mr. Pool” coded messages since 2019 (Twitter  READ ).

Here is his latest message from February 6, 2023 (Twitter  READ  ):




“Mr. Pool” is a hidden associate of Elon Musk, as both men have subtly acknowledged.   

His name “Pool” comes from the mirror image for a “Loop” of causality in temporal physics.

People from the future, or from another dimension, can influence our present or past!

Other members of his “Loop” team seem to use the 8-8-2008 crop circle near Milk Hill as their symbol.

“Crossovers from another dimension” was how Terje Toftenes described “crop circles” in his wonderful 2005 film (see WATCH ).

“Mr. Pool” has gained a large following on Twitter, based on his posting of MANY images which seem to show a foreknowledge of future events.

For example, he knew about a major earthquake near Auckland on March 5, 2021, six days before it happened (see WATCH or WATCH ).

Mr. Pool's world ("the other side") is seen by us as "dark energy".

Reciprocally our world ("this side") is seen by them as "dark energy".

Do you remember the great crop circles at Sparticles Wood (“shadow particles”) in 2016 and 2019?

Or mirror images of the ASCII code for “Love” at Hackpen Hill in 2022?

Finally, one might speculate that "dark energy" could be related to "gravity".

Perhaps "gravity" describes how particles in our world attract dark or unseen particles in their world, and vice-versa.

As we get held to the ground, perhaps we are not being attracted by “seen mass” in our world, but by unseen “mirror mass” in their world?

This simple idea would solve one of the greatest current mysteries in astronomy and physics.

On a galactic scale, the close correspondence of “mass” between our two universes seems to get less, and so Newton’s “Law of Gravity” fails there. Our two universes, each a mirror image of the other, might thus be attracted to one another by a mysterious force which we call “gravity”, without knowing how it arises, or where it comes from. How could we, unless we were sure that the “other side” is real?

     With best wishes, Red Collie in Sydney (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

Using a 3-phase, rotating magnetic field to eject spinning, ionized argon gas from an ion-thruster

Many people have speculated that modern crop pictures might contain “blueprints” for technologies beyond what we currently use on Earth. Most of these “technical” crop drawings concern electrical engineering, or methods for space travel.

By studying a series of “ion thruster” crop pictures drawn from 1999 to 2014, and then building small models in an attempt to match the “E.T. physics” drawn in crops, I have found a new method which may be useful to eject ionized argon gas from an ion-thruster with improved power and efficiency. Namely, if we add 3-phase power to a ring of electromagnets through which we pass spinning, ionized argon gas, so as to create a “rotating magnetic field”, then the ionized gas gets ejected strongly: 

 We seem to have been shown an “ion-based propeller” for space travel! Further studies are underway, while a basic account of first discovery may be seen here: “A 3-phase, radial magnetic field can eject argon ions like a propeller” (see WATCH). Several “trident” symbols which were drawn in crops, within the “blueprints” for an “ion thruster”, also suggested “3-phase power” as the best method for ejection (for example near Milk Hill in May 1999).

A series of four technical crop pictures, drawn in northern Italy from 2008 to 2011, likewise suggested in this temporal order: a “radial magnetic field” (2008), “spin to separate argon cations from electrons” (2009), a “Hall effect where two kinds of ions are separated from one another” (2010), and finally a “rotating magnetic field to eject both kinds of ion”, following the same clockwise sense as 7 letters in ASCII code which read circularly “E-a-E-n-k-i-space” (2011). The number of “small stars” in that 2011 crop picture, superimposed on a “sine wave”, were numbered in each section as “3, 4, or 5”, again to possibly suggest three (or more) phases of AC power.

We can be confident that real, space-faring extra-terrestrials use an ion-thruster, based on the physical principles which they have drawn for us in crops. Thus further study and development of this new technology may be fruitful. Please show anyone who might be capable of assisting in the effort?

“Five different small models for the E.T. ion drive” (see WATCH)

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB 1982-86, CSIRO Australia (1987-2010)


A new discovery in physics was “guided” by the study of crop pictures: ejecting ions from a wire coil using high-frequency AC electricity 

Some crop pictures seem to show schematic diagrams of electricity or magnetism. Two examples of this kind appeared in July of 2012 at Etchilhampton and Windmill Hill (see cropcircles.lucypringle.co.uk or cropcircles.lucypringle.co.uk). To anyone skilled at the art, such crop pictures seem to show “alternating currents” in a wire coil, and “large ions” being “ejected” by “AC electricity”. Similar images were drawn near Poirino, Italy in 2010, and Green Street, Avebury in 2014. Such technical diagrams are what one might expect from electrical-engineers in a visiting spaceship:  

I tried to reproduce such crop-drawn physics for several months in my small private lab. Yet I found that ordinary AC electricity from a wall-plug (240 volts, 50 Hz) is NOT capable of “ejecting ions” from a wire coil. Then after further study, I found that high-voltage, high-frequency AC electricity from a Tesla coil IS capable of “ejecting ions” from a wire coil, or a ring of wire coils:  

Such a discovery could be important. It might be used as part of an “ion thruster” to help us fly through space. At the very least, we have found a new way to switch “on-or-off” the ionization of argon gas using two opposing magnetic fields. Please see these videos for more information (“The ion rocket: using magnetism to switch on-or-off ionization of argon gas by a Tesla coil” at youtu.be or “A new kind of ion-drive based on Tesla-coil radiation and high-frequency Lenz currents” at youtu.be).  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech Ph.D. 1981)                      

"Why do camera batteries sometimes go ‘flat’ in newly-formed crop circles?"


The doomsday polar clock

 by Jerry Kroth

This crop circle appeared on July 18, 2021.
It was marvelously exact. And curiously it was erased just two days later.

The unseen crop artists seem to be skilled, electrical engineers!  

Adding low-frequency AC power, to the outer edge of 3 stacked neodymium magnets, makes them rotate slightly back and forth by a "pulsed" Lorentz force: 

A matching image was drawn in crops near Cowdown, Hampshire on June 17, 1995. It shows a zig-zag flow of alternating electrical current through a homopolar disc, which may cause it to rotate in a similar fashion: 

For more information, please see “The homopolar motor works by a pulsed Lorentz force” (on www.youtube.com.  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)


How did Ed Leedskalnin build Coral Castle, and
 how did primitive man lift all of those heavy stones?

After some effort in my private laboratory, I finally figured out how Ed Leedskalnin lifted all of those heavy stones at Coral Castle in Florida. The results are summarized in a video linked below: 

“Adding a 3rd wire coil to Ed Leedskalnin’s PMH greatly increases its DC-powered lift” 


As Ed once said, "I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids, and have found out how the Egyptians and ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan, and Asia, with onlyprimitive tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons!"

 Ed's flywheel and PMH were drawn in crops 2011 near Milk Hill and Honey Street (see  time2012r). His pi-shaped PMH resembles “Stonehenge”, does it not, where they moved and lifted many heavy stones?

 Crop circles have taught us something new! We just had to LISTEN. Those people who study megaliths in England may be interested to study and research this re-discovery further.

“Ed Leedskalnin moved heavy stones at Coral Castle using DC batteries, iron bars and copper wire”  


 Best wishes to you all.  Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew) in Sydney 


The most important crop circle of all time—or an excellent fake:

by Jerry Kroth

Could E.T. contact be near on September 15, 2021? Let’s look at an unusual sky photograph!  

If we take the size of that “triangular UFO” (three yellow lights) as say 1 km along any edge, then the large, white “eagle” shape in space, as photographed by SOHO, would not be larger than say 10 km. Perhaps this possibly-important sky photograph was posed intentionally, not too far from Earth, in an approximate line with our Sun, knowing that many people would see it?

What are the odds that a small crop picture, similar in shape to those “three yellow balls” shown in the SOHO photograph, would be drawn two weeks earlier on August 30, 2021?  (see Todwick comments)

How did they know?

A crop picture which appeared near Bohdankov in the Czech Republic on July 7, 2018 shows the blueprint for a UFO ion drive, based on the physics of a “circular plasma railgun” 

I built a small working model to test the expected physics: 


For a more detailed description of linear or circular plasma “railguns”, please watch this movie (see www.youtube.com). 

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech Ph.D. 1981)  

P.S. The “dragonfly drone” UFO also seems to use an ion drive (see www.youtube.com

Three crop pictures from Russia in 2015, 2018 or 2019 show “Tesla coil physics” 

While studying zero-volt switching as applied to a small, homemade Tesla coil, I noticed that the apparatus which I was building bore a moderate resemblance to three related images which had been drawn in crops in Russia, during the summers of 2015, 2018 or 2019.  So I went ahead and built my apparatus, to match even more closely the “blueprints” which had been drawn there in crops, and got very interesting results! Those mysterious “crop artists” were seemingly trying to show us images of a highly technical nature, such as might be drawn in an ET. textbook on electrical engineering.  

Please watch this 3-minute video (see www.youtube.com ) and decide for yourselves!  

Two explanatory screenshots are also shown below. What do you think?  


Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

Updating 2020 Balance

I’m sending a updating of the 2020 cases, now including the Brazilian occurrence in Ipuaçu. 





UK %


FR %



































































While 2019 was the French crop circles occurrences year, 2020 returns the throne to UK, mainly to Wiltshire, showing 67% of the cases in UK. There is an average number of occurrences in the last 4 years: 36,25 suggesting a stability in cases number around 35-37. Other occurrences in UK: Dorset (2); Yorkshire, Somerset devices, Derbyshire, West Sussex and Oxfordshire all with 1 case. (1 plus in unknown place). And 2 in Hampshire how showing in the table above. In the rest of the world we have: Polony (2); Italy, Hungary and Germany (1 each one),2 in France and 1 in Brazil.  

Curiosities: End of seasons places (in northern hemisphere) 

                                                       2016 and 2017 = Essex;
                                                       2018 and 2019 = Wiltshire, 
                                                       2020                = Oxfordshire.  

Brazilian occurrence:

Happened in the October/28 dawn at the Diego Gabler farm, Ipuaçu, Santa Catarina. The previous night, october,27 , was a stormy night on the wheat plantation. At the next morning, a enormous crop circle with 70-80m was found. 

In  november,05,2016  a crop, looks liking this one, appeared also in Ipuaçu  Would be this crop a evolution of the crop shown in the Picture bellow?


Crop Circle Revelation

By George Wingfield

A “transistor” crop picture appeared near Poirino, Italy on June 13, 2010, and was coded there with the equation “E = MC^2”. It showed a ring of 6 “power transistors”, which can be wired in parallel to produce a star-shaped set of 6 or 12 bright lights. We even built a functional model to prove this theory is correct!  

A related series of four “scientific” crop pictures appeared in northern Italy from 2008 to 2011. One appeared near Poirino on June 13, 2010, and showed a 6-pointed star, with a code inside for “E = MC^2” in decimal ASCII. Another appeared near Poirino on June 20, 2011, and showed a 7-pointed star, with a code outside for “Ea Enki space” in binary ASCII.

That 2011 crop picture also showed “7 rays of bright light”, emerging from around its outer perimeter. It was within those “7 rays of light”, that binary codes for the 7 letters “E, a, E, n, k, i, space” were drawn, using standing or flattened circles in 8-bit ASCII. Why would the crop artist have drawn a new crop picture in 2011 to suggest “7 rays of bright light”, as a successor to his crop picture in 2010 which coded for “E = MC^2”? 

Because his previous crop picture near Poirino in 2010 showed a “wiring diagram” (and other features) to suggest a ring of 6 power-transistors!  

Each of those transistors can produce bright light, when their base-voltages are turned on. We built a functional model of the 2010 crop picture to test this theory. Our model is shown in two slides below. It does indeed produce 1 or 2 rings of bright star-shaped light, when 50-watt, 12-volt DC halogen bulbs are used as resistors: 


For a complete demonstration of the physics, please see “A crop picture near Poirino, Italy in 2010 showed a functional ring of 6 power transistors: Part 17” on YouTube at www.youtube.com .


Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB 1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010)

The “blueprint” for a high-frequency AC generator was drawn in crops at Furze Knoll in June of 2008 

Many crop pictures, perhaps 20% of the total, seem to show the plans or “blueprints” for known and/or novel technological devices. One such complex “blueprint” was drawn in crops at Furze Knoll on June 20, 2008. It seemed to show 2 large “magnets”, spinning inside of 25 “AC power waves”, like the kind of power made by copper wire coils. Why did they draw 25 AC waveforms rather than an expected 24?  

To address this question, we made a test model of the Furze Knoll magnet-coil device using just 7 wire coils (instead of 25), because those were all we had available. In this case, any “odd” number of wire coils should produce similar physics. Such wire coils (0.5 mm PEI-coated copper wire, 1000 turns, 90 mm diameter) have to be made at home with lengthy effort. A still photograph of our first test model is shown below: 

We can see it working in action, both as a 1-phase AC generator, and also as a 1-phase AC motor, in the video linked here (please see www.youtube.com).  

When we use an “odd” number of wire coils, along with 2 large N and S magnets, placed on opposite side of the rotor, both magnets still induce AC power in-phase with one another. Yet now they create repulsive Lenz-Law interactions (due to induced magnetic fields) at separate times. And so the rotor spins more smoothly, compared with an “even” number of wire coils plus 2 large N and N magnets of the same polarity. This is an interesting aspect of electrical engineering which does not seem to be taught on Earth. Modern crop pictures are truly an “encyclopedia of star knowledge”! 

P.S. Further studies of the Furze Knoll 2008 crop picture demonstrate that this device, drawn as a “blueprint” in crops, creates a functional and useful AC generator. Even a simple starting-model can generate a reasonable 50 volts AC, 10 watts at a modest 500 r.p.m., and can cause a 60-watt, 240-volt AC light bulb to shine brightly (see www.youtube.com).

With best wishes to all of my friends in England or elsewhere, Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

The “Eagle” at Uffcott Down in 2015 showed a comedic parody of the “Gestapo Flag”: our mystery crop-artist friend (like Banksy) loves to ridicule the Nazis! 

Might that 2015 crop picture be meant to suggest “Thoth”?

The other 2016 crop picture showed a “dotted swastika” from Tibet.

Please see Banksy, “The Banality of Evil” (banksy-new-york-auction-housing-works).

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew

Two crop pictures from Norridge Wood 2019 and Windmill Hill 2012 showed the blueprints for “magnetic disc induction motors” 

Many crop pictures seem to show the “blueprints” for known and/or unknown technological devices. Two examples from Norridge Wood (near Cley Hill) in May of 2019, or Windmill Hill (near Avebury) in October of 2012, seem so clear in their scientific meanings, that we decided to make a short video to explain to everyone what they mean, and how the devices drawn there in crops actually work. 

All we had to do was to attach two 50 x 5 mm, neodymium disc magnets to a 100 x 3 mm aluminium disc (previously used for other purposes), then spin those two magnets using a small 12-volt DC motor, over various other discs made from aluminium, 150 or 200 mm in diameter  and 3 mm thick: 

Please watch this video to see what happens next! :- (see www.youtube.com

Lenz’s Law interactions between those two spinning permanent magnets, and the somewhat-larger aluminium discs, cause the latter to spin rapidly by current induction, in an asynchronous fashion behind the two permanent magnets. This is a well-known branch of physics, which was drawn in crops in both 2019, 2012 and at other times (not shown).  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew) with thanks to Tammy, and all of the wonderful crop-circle photographers

Sasho Kalajdzievski damiantimev.com

Backwards time-messaging, crop circles, and the discovery of “textpic” files 

Recently I translated a long message which comes ostensibly from human physicists who live later in this century, perhaps in the years 2040 to 2060 as estimated from content. The technology to send such messages, backwards in time, will apparently be discovered by particle physicists in the not-too-distant future, when they probe collisions of high-energy charged particles with intense, squeezed laser light. As evidence for its authenticity, this message was given in an advanced computer format which is not being used anywhere on Earth in 2019 or 2020. An explanatory diagram of the new format is shown below:

Each successive part of the message contains 1 of 4 possible symbols. They may use wi-fi with 4 sub-bands of different frequency. The main part of the message can be read in unformatted 8-bit ASCII. Then each “0” or “1” bit has been further coded, so as to provide for 2 independent “pictures” like in ASCII art. Two simple examples of how to code for the shape of a “fish” (red) or “cross” (blue) are shown above.  

Needless to say, this novel and unknown kind of computer format may come from the future! I call it “textpic”, because any text message may code for 2 pictures as well. Some crop circles have shown messages in advanced computer code, for example Crabwood 2002 (see time2007n  ), but not yet in “textpic” format. Given the existence of backwards time-messaging later in this century, and the observation of many future-predictive images in crops (see for example theyre-real-and-contain-hidden-messages-scientist-says), it would seem possible that “crop pictures” may come from a similar source.  

The specific content of the new message cannot yet be revealed, because its senders are asking us to reset time and history. We can say however that instead of “Beware the bearers of false gifts” (2002 England) or “beware of ET bearing gifts” (2015 Italy), now we are being told “Return our gifts” and “DEFEND THE WORLD (MONDE)”.  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

Green Street of August 8, 2014 showed an interesting “blueprint” drawn in crops, to help teach us about electromagnetic propulsion from a tight ring of 6 wire-coil electromagnets 

Please watch “Green Street 2014: AC propulsion physics by a tight ring of 6 wire-coil electromagnets” on YouTube to learn further technical details www.youtube.com.

A second video about new crop-circle physics, as suggested by the Green Street 2014 crop picture of August 8, 2014 (“two amazing electromagnetic switches”) has now been posted here:- www.youtube.com

Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie), Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB 1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010

AmunRaH aka AtumRaH 

The purpose of this article is to try to explain to yourselves the functionality of the genuine crop formations and the extended formations parameters. 

By Hor (Horus)

An “AC disc generator” which was drawn in blueprint form at Nun’s Walk (near Tufton) on August 4, 2019 is fully functional: early tests using hand-spinning and small cube magnets  

The current build contains 1000 turns of 0.5 mm copper PEI-coated magnet-wire (about 3 kg or 1.6 km), wrapped into the 12-grooved disc-shape which was drawn in crops at Nun’s Walk two months ago:  

Please watch this video to learn many important details:  www.youtube.com 

Two previous articles or videos are linked here (nuns walk articlesl   or Nuns walk videosl  ). 

This new device seems similar to a blueprint drawn in crops for a 16-groove “AC disc generator” on August 11, 2012 at Stone Pit Hill, and its “oscilloscope output” at Devil’s Den on August 12, 2012 (see 2012 bishops-cannings-cropcircle or fyfield-cropcircle-2012). Solving this puzzle was a challenge which the crop artists laid down for us, when they drew a “Rubik’s cube” at Hackpen Hill on August 26, 2012 (see hackpen-hill-cropcircle2-2012). 

Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie) with A.M. and K.B. and T.B.

The blueprints for two “frictionless magnetic gears” were drawn in crops at Lurkeley Hill on June 22, 2005 and Stephen’s Castle Down on July 1, 2000. Can we learn any new physics, by building small models based on those crop-circle blueprints?


Dr. Horace R. Drew, Red Collie (Caltech 1976-81)

Milk Hill of April-May of 1999 and the discovery of reversed-field electromagnetic levitation  

To the best of our knowledge, reversed-field levitation has seldom (if ever) been measured on Earth. It can only be produced by using a spiral-shaped electromagnet which produces a single, broad, nearly-uniform magnetic field (say N/S) all across its spiral diameter, rather than using a large wire-coil electromagnet, which will produce both direct and reversed magnetic fields (as N/S around its outer perimeter, but S/N across its centre). A third video shown below confirms the existence of this new effect experimentally. Once again, our experiments were based on a variety of relevant crop-circle “blueprints”:

Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie) 

Studies of the Bohdankov crop picture of July 7, 2018 (as well as Barbury Castle of June 1, 2008) have led us to find a new form of electromagnetic levitation by a spiral-groove-cut, aluminium disc over a large, permanent, ring magnet. Might this be a step toward understanding how UFOs fly? 

A new and exciting “UFO levitation” crop picture appeared in the Czech Republic on July 7, 2018 (see Bohdankov articles  ). One woman who lives there later informed us privately, that she had been told beforehand how an “instructional diagram” would be drawn soon in crops, to help us understand how UFOs fly. We therefore decided to try and reproduce the “upward levitation” effect which was drawn there in crops, by making a small trial model in our laboratory.  

Instead of placing a wire-coil electromagnet at its base (as drawn in crops), for simplicity we placed a ceramic ring magnet of diameter 145 mm. Next we cut 1 mm wide grooves in three different aluminium discs of diameter 200 mm and thickness 3 mm, using a jigsaw. One of those discs contained 4 spiral-groove-cut turns (modelled on Barbury Castle of June 1, 2008). It produced the most obvious form of magnetic levitation, when a direct current of 2 volts and 10-20 amps was passed through it in either direction. That 4-spiral-cut disc would move substantially “up” or “down” when DC power was applied, and when 6 to 12 small (insulated) magnets were added to lift it just above the ceramic ring magnet below: 

(please add a link to www.youtube.com here) 

One might have expected this result from close reading of Tesla’s “Notes on a Unipolar Dynamo” 1891 (see notes-unipolar-dynamo). However it leads to another very important result in classical physics, possibly never seen before, which will be reported soon (called “reversed-field electromagnetic levitation”, as suggested by a pair of crop pictures near Milk Hill in April or May of 1999).  

Several other successful studies of model systems for “crop-circle physics” are in progress: namely for the “magnetic gear” crop pictures drawn at Lurkeley Hill or Boreham Down in June 2005; for the “pie-disc AC generators” drawn at Nun’s Walk in August 2019, Stone Pit Hill or Devil’s Den in August 2012; as well as for the “low-back-EMF wire-coil generator” drawn near Catarina, Brazil in October 2012. We have preliminary data already, to suggest that those particular “crop circle blueprints” will lead to new and improved technologies soon here on Earth.

Just before these experiments were performed, Mike Reed’s famous article on Barbury Castle 2008 was censored off the Internet for some users (see Easy-pi-Astrophysicist-solves-riddle-Britains-complex-crop-circle.html).  

Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie) with A.M., K.B. and others, videos thanks to Tammy.

The real Meaning of crop circles

By Cong  zhenyu

Crop Circle Faction: fact and fiction

by Rieks Schreuder

This seems to be where the “circle-and-crescent” style of many French crop pictures is coming from: consider the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…) and its many geometric representations! 

Thanks to Jain 108 Mathemagics for the diagram shown on the left regarding the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 13. No analogous “circle-and-crescent” diagram for the number “21” has previously been drawn except in crops, to the best of my knowledge. A close stylistic match between the number 13” as drawn by Jain 108, and the number “21” as drawn in crops near Rauwiller (shown at lower right), seems obvious:  

Why did the crop artist leave two places unflattened in a “nine-star” crop picture on August 19, 2015 near Etchilhampton?  

Should we count the total number of “points” of those “stars”, within each radial part of this crop picture, to find out?  How many “points” would there have been, if all regions of the Etchilhampton crop picture had been flattened as expected? (18)  How many “points” or small “rectangles” do we actually see drawn in crops, when we count carefully? (17)  


Which is the 17th letter of the alphabet? (Q)

What did President Trump say in Tampa on July 31, 2018? (17-17-17-17)

Which famous crop picture appeared on July 5, 2009 near Silbury Hill? What is it usually called? (Q.H.)

Who did a Wiltshire policeman see in that crop picture on the next morning of July 6, 2009? (the crop-circle makers)  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

An amazing art-puzzle from 2008 finally solved in 2019: the “Diamond Cross”  

When we overlap two different crop pictures which were drawn in maize about 5 km apart, on September 24 or 28, 2008 near Broad Hinton or Avebury respectively, we can see the highly clever, three-dimensional image of a “diamond-studded cross”. It seems to be made from four, upward-shining “rays of light”:  

At the time, some people dismissed these crop pictures as “human-made fakes”, because six thin lines in the picture of September 28 were drawn slightly-offset toward the centre. Now we can understand that all of those slight “offsets” were meant to provide a correct visual perspective in three dimensions. There were no “mistakes”.  

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me will stay in darkness.” (John 12:46) 

Two stylistically-similar images appeared in wheat during July of 2006 (see cropcircles.lucypringle.co.uk) or August of 2008 (see cropcircles.lucypringle.co.uk).  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

Two crop pictures at Green Street near Avebury in 2014 showed the “combined blueprint” for a 12-pole electromagnetic induction motor, with 6 shorted wire-coils in its central rotor 

Many people visited two excellent crop pictures at Green Street near Avebury in late July or early August of 2014, but no one at the time understood what they meant. Now five years later, after studying the work of Nicola Tesla, we can say definitively that those two crop pictures showed a two-part “combined blueprint” for a 12-pole electromagnetic induction motor, with 6 shorted wire-coils in the spinning rotor at its centre. 

In this first slide, we can see that an August 8, 2014 crop picture at Green Street matched the style of a “rotor” from Tesla’s US patent 443,700, except with 6 shorted, copper wire-coils wrapped around its circumference, rather than 4 wire-coils as in Tesla’s patent:  


The back-and-forth lay of many “curved stripes” in that crop picture was amazing, and impossible for any local faker to have made using rope and boards. All of the fallen crop in one “stripe” was laid clockwise, then in the next “stripe” anti-clockwise, and in the next “stripe” clockwise, for about 10 different “stripes” in each six-fold-symmetric part of the crop picture, along the slope of a small hill.  

In the next slide, we can see those same features more clearly, by inverting the colour from brown to blue:  


We can also see, at upper right, how Tesla’s “4 wire-coil rotor” fit into a much larger set of 8 stator “poles” or electromagnets around the outside.  

In this final slide, we can see a “combined blueprint” for the entire motor, both rotor and stator, made by superimposing the two Green Street crop pictures on top of one another: 


Tesla’s US patent 443,700 showed the blueprint for an induction motor with 8 stator “poles” or electromagnets, and 4 shorted wire-coils in a central rotor (shown at upper centre).  

Two nearby crop pictures at Green Street in 2014 showed a combined blueprint for a slightly-different induction motor with 12 stator poles around the outside (which fire in time-sequence as one set of 6 poles “in”, then another set of 6 poles “out”), plus 6 shorted wire-coils in its central rotor (shown at lower left or right, in brown or blue).  

Those 12 stator “poles” create a rotating magnetic field, which can induce new electrical currents in a central rotor that has 6 shorted wire-coils. Such new electrical currents, and their associated magnetic fields, will cause the entire rotor to turn rapidly, with a slight angular lag (by means of Lenz-Law attractions), to 6 different two-phase, rotating magnetic fields in the stator.  

To conclude, these two crop pictures at Green Street in 2014 seem to have been 100% E.T. made. Also we learn, from studying such remarkable images, that the crop artists are highly-skilled electrical engineers. What would you expect, for a species which can travel from one star to another?  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R, Drew)

Will friendly extra-terrestrials arrive openly soon on Earth? Two related crop pictures from the summer of 2018 suggest a possible near-future date of “3 years”, based on a puzzle made from the plot of a science-fiction movie called “The Arrival” in 2016.  

By Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie) (Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB Cambridge 1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010) 

The Encryption Chain Reaction: can we make the sum of passwords, for any binary message, much longer than the original message itself? This method was found by studying computer messages given by UFOs or drawn in crops. 

Crop circles and Giza pyramid, a staggering connection!

By Veli Martin Keitel

Have the crop artists suggested to us a better way to transmit wireless electricity over large distances? Their method seems plausible: let’s build a model and find out!  

Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie)

 Did a small scout team consisting of “Q” and his friends land on Earth during the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, then later begin broadcasting to the world?

We can learn a lot from the Sutton Hall crop picture of August 17, 2017 which is now fully solved

By Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie)


The “human butterfly” crop picture of August 7, 2009 near Goes in the Netherlands: landscape imagery of a “caterpillar” seeing a “bird” flying overhead, and wishing to change into a “butterfly” so that he can fly too!  

Did local humans make a 530-meter “human butterfly” crop picture near Goes in the Netherlands, during the early morning of August 7, 2009, using a hypothetical “team” of 30 amateurs which no one saw in the field that night? Could a team of amateurs create the highly-rippled lays of fallen crop, or parallel outward flows, shown at times 3:10 or 26:40 of this commentary? (see www.youtube.com  Have those supposed “human crop artists” ever mentioned a landscape “caterpillar” looking up at a “bird”, as the primary reason for drawing a “human butterfly” in that particular field location?  


The answer is “no” to all three questions. Thus it seems more likely that this beautiful and enormous crop picture was drawn by the real E.T. crop artists, who wished to inform all seven billion “human caterpillars” living on Earth today, that they could change into “human butterflies” too, perhaps after death, by focusing on spiritual growth while they are alive. That is perhaps the single most important message which could be given to humanity today, in an era when almost everyone lives for money. 

An outward flow of spirit from the “heart” can change us from “caterpillars” into “butterflies”  

An outward flow of fallen crop (shown below) is centred on the “heart chakra”, where the human spirit is thought to reside. No team of 52 amateurs, using rope and boards, could lay so much crop radially outward in a “starburst” shape in the dark. No team could create so many precisely-rippled lays of fallen crop throughout this crop-drawn “human body”. No team would leave many brown wheat plants standing on crop tramlines. Rather the message from this seemingly-authentic, 530-meter-long crop picture is that our spirit can expand from the heart chakra, in order to turn human “caterpillars” into “butterflies”: 


Might there be some relation between “Q” or “Quetzalcoatl” the crop artist, and “Q” or “Q-anon” the mysterious Internet poster? A crop picture from June 18, 2017 near Vieux-Lixheim in France gives us new clues!  

By Dr. Horace R. Drew (Red Collie)

The Power Circles IV

By Carlos Alberto Yates

Some spectacular crop pictures from 2018 or previous years have shown various kinds of “mechanical gear”. This is an important result that hardly anyone realized before. Who made such highly-technical crop pictures, and why? 

By Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

The real theory about the crop circles:

by Carlos Alberto Aires Yates

We saw a clever sleight-of-hand trick at Sarraltroff, worthy of the French magician Louis Compte: those men are just walking around inside of an already-existing picture, drawn in agricultural crops!  

Nous avons vu un tour de passe-passe astucieux chez Sarraltroff, digne du magicien français Louis Compte: ces hommes se promènent dans une image déjà existante, dessinée dans les cultures agricoles!  

Please examine the high-resolution photograph shown below, taken from a YouTube video made by some French debunkers. Do you see any crops being flattened? Or any parts of the completed crop picture which have not been flattened yet? The answer is clearly “no” to both questions:  

This was truly the clever sleight-of-hand trick by a professional magician! Why else would a big team of men walk around late at night under bright floodlights, in a crop picture which had appeared days earlier, except to take certain kinds of video footage, which would enable them to pretend later that they had “made” it? Louis Compte, incidentally, was the first magician to pull a “rabbit out of a hat”.  

Many congratulations to the instigators of this hoax, “Astronogeek” and “Defakator”, for nearly pulling it off (see Geek_Fa): 


Many authentic crop pictures have appeared broadly across France over the past 20 years. Quite obviously they cannot all be hoaxes: “Are you going to tell me that we can use planks with holes?” or “Vous allez me dire que l'on peut utiliser des planches à trous?” (see www.cerclesdanslanuit.com). This is true factual science, not some deceptive video posted on YouTube, more than two months after a real crop picture appeared.

More factually-incorrect news about the Sarraltroff crop picture from a science website in France 

Crop circle: How YouTubers fooled extra-terrestrial "experts" or Crop circle: Comment des youtubeurs ont berné des “experts” en extraterrestres (please see crop-circle-comment-des-youtubeurs-ont-bernes-des-experts-en-extraterrestres)  

In this article, we are informed that some guys drinking beer supposedly made a big and complex crop picture in “barely an hour”, by crushing large amounts of wheat with planks under their feet. The known facts are that any real crop picture of this size, made by the best experts in the UK using planks, would take 8-12 hours to complete. Since such an important part of their story is obviously false, could the rest of it be false as well?

“Armed with simple measuring tapes and a few beers, the members of this commando team acted in the middle of the night by the light of their frontal torches. Using a board under the foot, held at each end by a string, they thoroughly crushed the wheat in the field of a complicit farmer. The operation lasted barely an hour.”

“Armés de simples mètres rubans pour les mesures et de quelques bières,  les membres du commando ont agi en pleine nuit à la lueur de leurs torches frontales. Une planche sous le pied tenue à chaque extrémité par une ficelle, ils ont écrasé minutieusement les blés dans le champ d'un agriculteur complice. L'opération a duré à peine une heure.”

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew) 

“Crop circles” have been appearing sporadically since the 17th century: they were not “first seen” in the 1980’s, when supposedly “two old men left the pub late at night with rope and boards”  

By Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

A Brief Reminder Before the 2018 Season Begins.

 "This is the most comprehensive, compelling and objective analysis of the Ansty 2016 event that exists on the net and should answer so many of the questions/posts I have read. It is based on facts as opposed to relying on wild exotic theory or anecdotal/ here-say 'reports'. IOWs..."He said, she said...I know the people that did it" type of nonsense etc. This report would be convincing enough in a court of law so it should satisfy most sensible queries and therefore should be taken very seriously".

Modern crop pictures suggest a new and improved method for ion propulsion through space, using a two-stroke, “in-out”, AC homopolar device, which scientists at NASA or universities worldwide seem not to have considered before


Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

The Nuclear Power Disaster at Fukushima on March 11-14, 2011

One of many crop pictures from the summer of 2010, which foresaw a nuclear power disaster at Fukushima on March 11-14, 2011, gave a cryptic description of that “plutonium-and-uranium chain reaction” using mirror-writing in English letters and/or numbers on July 26, 2010, and also pointed toward a “schematic map” of the Fukushima nuclear power station in an English landscape nearby  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

Andrew King sent me the following crop circles images to see if I  could locate and date them from the archives. Unfortunately I could not find them in the archives, so I am hopefully some one else might shine some light on this matter.

Was "Mothership Glass" near Ansty on August 6, 2016 a human-made fake? Very unlikely, since exactly the same "flower of life" pattern with “small curved triangles” was drawn in crops near Broad Hinton on July 24, 2003, more than 13 years earlier!

A research article by Jack Sullivan.  

2000 Chilbolton: Communication Device or New Model of The Nucleus

Michael F. Gray of Las Vegas, NV.

Three “seeing eye” crop pictures from Nettle Hill on August 16, 2014, Woodway Bridge on August 24, 2016, or Monarch’s Way on August 8, 2017, all show similar themes of “humans on Earth seeing a metaphorical serpent in the sky”, or alternatively a “serpent seeing humans here on Earth”  

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)

Please look at the 2789.52 foot diameter decoded from the 2001 Arecibo Reply, may not be a reference to the "alien communication device" at all, as it is almost exactly equal to 1/2 the half-life of Carbon-14 (which is widely cited as 5580 years).

Michael F. Gray of Las Vegas

Some interesting new observations concerning a “co-created” crop picture from August 3, 2005 which showed six “Templar crosses”: striking and informative landscape images nearby  

"It's not quite so bewilderingly, mind bogglingly incomprehensible as you may think...LOL...please read on".

Paul Jacobs (CGI)


Probability Anomaly’…a very strong   indicator.

 "This is the so called' Galaxy' formation of 2001 on Milk Hill. It is the most extreme example I can think of to illustrate probability. It happened overnight in bad weather and is composed of no less than 409 separate circles. How probable would it be do you think that this event is mysterious in origin? Each circle would have to take around 45 seconds to construct given the restricted time frame in mid summer. Highly probable I would say!"

Paul Jacobs (CGI)

Sensible Education...A Major Priority.

"It's a staggering fact that ongoing 'grass roots' education on this subject is almost non existent apart from Core Group Initiative (CGI) web site pages. Other information sharing has been limited to one or two local Wiltshire based formal 'talks' events which can in truth often include subject matter so exotic, complicated or specialist (often off topic)it is hard for most people to gain much benefit from". 

Paul Jacobs (CGI)

Something To Look Out For!


"As we eagerly await the first CF in barley, which now shouldn't be too long I hope, I would draw your attention once again to something I call 'Energy Leak' which falls into the realms of a probability anomaly. I identified this feature back in 2009 but strangely it still does not seem to be that well registered, even in the minds of seasoned crop-watchers, so this is just a reminder.  I would also urge all drone pilots to search and record such features when photographing new crop events as I regard this feature as very helpful and very strong indicator of mysterious activity as you will read in this article."

Paul Jacobs (CGI)

Remember...This Just Simply Cannot Be Argued With!

"It is highly likely that this 2017 season will be no different from previous in terms of the usual quarrels, confusion and misunderstandings. This is a result of deliberate disinformation campaigns and lack of sound, understandable pragmatic and objective information. In this regard I would like to draw people's attention once again, before it all kicks off big time and remind readers of the hard, stark reality of practical construction when it comes to alleged human involved crop formation construction (or any other major, precise or complex construction.) Please read carefully and please remember such when all the silly nonsense stories start to appear, usually promoted by 'wise-men' of 'great authority' (LOL) who expect us to meekly believe what they say without question and always unsubstantiated. The example here, of Ansty last year is a very good one indeed".

Simply click on the image . (Copyright Jane Barford with thanks.)

Paul Jacobs (CGI)

A Taste of Things to Come?

Bridging the gap...it's up to us! This video example shows something which has been a rare event over the years. Not often will you hear a farmer and a CF advocate being recorded in this harmonising manner. Watch this video and see what you think.


Paul Jacobs (CGI)



Thoughts Prior to Season 2017

Sub title: Sociology Vs Patterns and Geometry. 


"The truthful reality is thus far that the majority of folks are quite naturally far more drawn to the amazing geometry which equates to the obvious.."

Paul Jacobs (CGI)


"The closest we get to this in the natural world is positive phototropism or sun-seeking which takes several days. We commonly find a bending feature in CFs but it is not phototropism as it is always present early on day one when it occurs which proves beyond any doubt that this is an unnatural event. This stalk is about 1cm in width,  mature and very brittle"!

Paul Jacobs (CGI)