Bohdankov, Liberec, The Czech Republic. Reported 7th July


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Updated  Sunday 5th August  2018


08/07/18 08/07/18 08/07/18 08/07/18 08/07/18 05/08/18 08/07/18

Here is my interpretation of CC near Bohdankov, Czech Republic. I was at this site on the 8th July with Renata Kralova.

I've made a 3D model with one of the possible interpretations, based on a Czech article about Southend Crop Circle from 17th August 2017 -

I  think, that each group of 4 rings, below the circles at the CC, symbolize 4 years of the journey of radiation from the object inside the rings. It is the approximate distance in light years to Alpha Centauri. The lower circle with the black dot should be the Sun and the upper circle is probably Alpha Centauri, which is little larger than our Sun.

And the meaning of the whole message is the warning about the potential danger of the CERN LHC experiments, that could have an adverse impact on life on Earth and the stability of the whole Solar System.

Petr Kouril


Before thinking about Wormhole models and cosmic alignments, I was reminded of other ancient formations in this country, and I was able to make a comparative association and come to a conclusion: they are interconnected messages talking about developing powers of the mind.

And it all starts with the 1999 formation, which looks like a NEURON. From it, I noticed that the other posterior formations showed stylized images of the head and skull, especially the pineal gland on the top of the head, and patterns of circles in groups of three and seven, indicating keys to awakening the Pineal Gland and expansion of the powers of the mind. In this new crop circle 2018, we see the merging of three forces at the base with the expansion of the MENTAL WAVES at the top of the "head" as suggesting telepathic powers (which I use quite extensively in my readings of crop circles). The other models also bring these "mental waves" of expanding the field of consciousness by acting on the pineal gland as a result of working with the three forces of generation and the seven levels of development.

About three and seven, well, seven is the number of initiation, represents the levels of complete development: the pineal gland represents the apex of psychic development, related to the seventh chakra, the Lotus of the thousand petals, Sahashara chakra.

What about the three? The number three represents the synthesis of the generation, three forces in equilibrium, three sounds of a perfect chord, is the number of the generation, of the matrix. The divine triangle, the art and the science of working with the three forces, powers and principles in obtaining any concrete final result. Something that reminds us of the sacred Triskelion and the famous quote from Nikola Tesla:

"If you knew the magnificence of the numbers three, six and nine, you would have the key to the universe."
Nikola Tesla


I spoke last month about these mechanisms and patterns 4/3, and the new crop circles repeat them.

Looking at the crop circles of the same day July 7 from another perspective, and bringing them together to the crop circle of France, June 11, and the previous models of the Czech Republic, I find other arguments to illustrate Stargate mechanisms, with the repetition of a pattern : 4/3. France, June 11, two lines of circles at the ends, 4 and 3 circles, joining in the center in two opposing vortices. And an image like a horn, representing a kind of JUMP!

Martinsell Hill, July 7, Fractal Pentagram, and in radius, 3 pentagrams, and in diameter, 4 pentagrams.

Czech Republic, same day 7/7: Vortex 3, triskelion style, and at the top, circular waves on 4 levels. Again, 3 and 4 intersecting. And the same on previous models. In 2013, 3 circles on the bottom axis intersect with 4 circles on the top axis. And underneath, something that looks like a UFO sphere, a cabin, a lock or a human figure. Model of 2006, 4 waves propagate underneath, and 4 double circles intersecting, and in the centre of the figure, 3 concentric circles. And at the base, a figure that suggests a ball being lifted by a lever. Remembering that the pyramid of Kefren has the same ratio 4/3 in the base-height proportion of its structure, and that the pyramids ARE STARGATES, which projected the soul of the pharaohs reborn to the stars ... they are revealing to us the Stargate mechanisms!

(Note: in harmonic terms, 4/3 equals the musical tone of a pure FA. The Green Fa of Creation, where Nature finds balance).




Comment about the crop circle reported 7th July 2018 at Bohdankov, Liberec, the Czech Republic : 

The crop circle reported 7th July 2018 at Bohdankov, Liberec, the Czech Republic has been made with an unknown technology by the ET aliens who have often communicated with me after 2007. They are opposed to the very dangerous ET invaders pro-Jesus. They are much less dangerous. But I oppose all ET aliens. I am in perfect agreement with the Mother Universe. I think that they are the authors of the recent crop circle reported at Winterbourne Stoke Down, near Stonehenge, Wiltshire, 17th June 2018 :  

They have written inside this formation the letters of VISNU (Vishnu). 

They have read my comment published on your website 5th July 2018  

They have seen the five crescents of the Moon which make up the logo of the Makaibari Indian teas. 

Read my comment at 4°) : "Some Indian teas are very known in England : "

That's why they have used a lot of fine crescents to draw their crop circle at Bohdankov :  

They have chosen this place because they want to prove their interest in my communications :

Bohdankov may be compared with Buddha V. K. for example. This is me : buddha Vishnu, Kalki (since 2008). Furthermore the word to say the sixteenth part of the Moon in Sanscrit is Kalika :

I think that this is a very fine crescent :

These ET aliens have made a complex formation with claw like designs because I have written in my comment : " (...) since a few years I refuse all ET aliens on our solar system to respect the life, the Mother Universe, and the Source of the life."

This strange crop circle at Bohdankov refers also three pre-Buddhas in India and in China. I have written : " (...) my soul has been the one of the three pre-buddhas Krishna, Lao Zi and Gautama Buddha." 

More information about the ET aliens activities in my blog OLCPIE : and in my videos on Youtube. 

At Lille, France, 9th July 2018.  Jean-Charles Bourquin, Kalki

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

We are looking at the Earth from a point in the outer Solar System, perhaps near Jupiter. Three comets with comas are visible; as they approach Earth (the largest ring) they become more distant and decrease in size before final impact. Their circles of destruction are partially indicated with the ring of the Earth. These are A, B, and the Warning Comet. On the left the Sun Comet grows smaller as it passes the Earth and acquires a coma plus a temperature indication in the centre. The coma grows substantially in front as it nears the Sun to three extra gases. Additionally there are three larger half circles which may refer to the effect of the solar wind on the bow shock, X-ray emission and the comet’s magnetic field.

Kenneth Heck


Tone 6 helps us to achieve dynamic balance

Crop circle at Bohdankov, Liberec, The Czech Republic. Reported 7th July 2018

In my opinion this formation was made on/for 6 July 2018.
According to the Mayan calendar Tzolkin, 6 July 2018 was a day with the Solar Seal Red Moon and with Tone 6, in the Yellow Seed wavespell, in the Yellow Seed Year (26 July 2017 – 25 July 2018).

On the formation are depicted following energies:

Red Moon
Tone 6
Yellow Seed
Yellow Human – the Occult Teacher of the Red Moon
White Dog – the Supporting energy of the Red Moon
Blue Storm – the Challenging energy of the Red Moon
Red Earth

These energies have following qualities:

Red Moon – Universal water, Flow, Purify
Tone 6 – the Rhythmic Tone of Balance
Yellow Seed – Targeting, Awareness, Flowering
Yellow Human – Free Will, Influence, Wisdom
White Dog – Love, Heart, Loyalty
Blue Storm – Activation, Catalyzation, Energy, Self-Generation
Red Earth – Evolution, Navigation, Synchronization

The big circle „Е” represents the Earth and symbolize the energy RED EARTH.

The small circle in the very center of the formation represents the Source.

From the Source emanate streams of Universal Water (cosmic energies), depicted in form of lunar crescents, which symbolize the energy RED MOON – the energy of Flow, the energy of the Universal Water.

The streams are in the form of three whirls, each consisting of 4 lunar crescents, or these are 12 lunar crescents in total.

The whirls depict the energy BLUE STORM.

The number 4 symbolizes the energy YELLOW SEED – Solar Seal No. 4.
The number 12 symbolizes the energy YELLOW HUMAN – Solar Seal No. 12.

The 12 lunar crescents symbolize the Humanity.
We the people are “made” of this flow of cosmic energies. All molecules and atoms of our bodies are particles of these constantly moving energies.

Between the 12 bright lunar crescents there are 6 dark partial lunar crescents “B”. Here the number 6 symbolize Tone 6 – the Tone of  Balance. These 6 elements as if rotate in the opposite direction of the rotation of the 12 bright crescents. So is depicted, that Tone 6 strive to balance us, it helps us to achieve a dynamic equilibrium in this situation of constant movement.

On the outer periphery we see 3 big lunar crescents “D”.
They resemble the ears and the mouth of a Dog and symbolize the energy WHITE DOG.

Beneath the “Earth” there are two bright semicircles, one above the other. The lower one represents a “base” and the upper one is a “rotating joint”. Round them we see a construction, which resembles a “spring-cage”.

6 July 2018 is a day of the Blue Castle, in which a main role plays the energy Blue Monkey, which has following qualities: Play, Magic, Illusion.

In my opinion, the whole formation resembles a “toy”. When we press the “ears of the dog” downwards, the whole upper part of the toy (the Earth together with all lunar crescents) pushes the spring-cage down and sinks. When we release the “ears”, the spring pushes the “Earth” upwards. So the “Earth” moves up and down, and, besides, it rotates on the ball joint.

All this reminds us that our Earth doesn’t stay in the space on a fix base. The Earth is in a constant movement: it rotates round the Sun and together with the Sun travels through the Cosmos. Everything is in a constant motion: everything flows, everything changes.

And we can often have the feeling that we lose ground. Thus it is important to use the days with Tone 6 in order to balance ourselves. It is advisable on a day with Tone 6 to stay some time outdoors and to let Tone 6 to balance our energy bodies.

Cordial thanks to the authors of this fascinating formation and to the photographer
Daniel Hloušek !!

Maya Todorova

Aloha Mark! I just look at this picks of new circle and make a suggestion: it is about Big Island Hawaii eruption. Chamber is open, lot of earthquakes , lot of gas. Time is three weeks and three month, possible started slowdown or even stopped by end of August or beginning of September! I am from Big Island, lot of people pray and questioned Universe . Very possible it is answer!))) Just guess.

With deep Aloha         Olena D Adams


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Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike